Recent trends in UK migration: a statistical picture John Salt Migration Research Unit, Department of Geography, University College London, UK. November 20 th 2006
Stock of foreign population in selected European countries, 2004
Stock of foreign population as a percentage of total population in selected European countries, 2004
Asylum applications (including dependents) as a proportion of total non-British immigration into the UK,
International Migration, Net Flows By Citizenship
International migration, total flows of Non-British employed migrants by region of origin/destination, (Total)
IPS 2004: Contacts and gross flows IN OUT ContactsGrossed (000s)SE %ContactsGrossed (000s)SE % All migrants British Non-British EU London Scotland
Foreign Nationals, , thousands
Living and Working in UK, by SEC, 2006
Work permit applications approved by type,
Worker Registration Scheme, Work Permits and First Permissions by occupational group, 2005 WRSWP and FP Soc 2000Number% % Managers and senior officials18, , Professional Occupations2, , Associate Professional and Technical Occupations12, , Administrative and Secretarial Occupations2, Skilled Trades Occupations26, , Personal Service Occupations8, , Sales and Customer Service Occupations6, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives58, Elementary Occupations58, , Total194, ,
Overseas Nationals entering the UK and allocated a National Insurance Number [NINo], 2002/03 and 2005/06, thousands 2002/032005/06 India25.0Poland171.4 Australia18.9India46.0 South Africa18.6Lithuania30.5
Foreign labour inflows by route of entry, 2005 number% WRS194, WPs86, EU&EFTA (2004)35, WHM20, HSMP17, SAWS15, Domestic Servants10, UK Ancestry8, SBS7, Au Pairs2, SEGS2, Ministers of Religion TOTAL400,