Unit 2: Similarities Among Living Things


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2: Similarities Among Living Things Understanding life, life functions, and cells.

Chapter 3: Characteristics of Living Things

A. Living vs. Non-living List Living and Non-living things

B. Characteristics of Life 1. Living things are __________________ and contain many complex chemical substances. 2. Living things are made up of __________________, which are the smallest units of life. 3. Living things ______________. 4. Living things have a ______________________________. 5. Living things have a _________________. 6. Living things _____________. 7. Living things ___________________________. 8. Living things are ____________________. 9. Living things ______________________, over long periods of time. 8 & 9 are true for the species not the individual

an outer candy coating and a rich chocolate center!? 10. Are viruses alive? - Viruses are like _____ – they have an outer candy coating and a rich chocolate center!? - On a virus the outside is made of _______ and the inside is _____ or ____ - On their own viruses do _______ - Viruses are _____________ – not made of cells - Viruses _____ their way into cells and _____________ to make more viruses

C. Life Processes - Also called life activities - These are the activities that all living things do to stay alive 1. ____________ = activity by which the organism ______ and _____________ materials from the environment. a. _________ = the substances that the organism needs for ________, ________, ________, ____________, and the life processes. _____________ _______, ________, and _______

b. 3 Processes involved in Nutrition: i. ______________ = taking in of food from the environment. ii. ___________ = breakdown of complex food materials into simpler forms that an organism can utilize. Digestion = _____________ iii. ______________ = elimination of undigested materials

c. 2 Types of Nutrition: i. ____________________ Autotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms make their own food from ___________ compounds ex: Plants = ___________ use photosynthesis for autotrophic nutrition ____________ + _________  Sugar + Oxygen convert simple inorganic compounds to complex organic compounds ii. _____________________ Heterotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms ____ other organisms or the by-products of organisms to obtain their nutrients. Heterotrophs use ____________________ compounds ex: Humans, animals, fungus, and many bacteria are heterotrophs

2. Transport Transport is the life process by which substances are _____________ and _____________ within the organism. Materials can either enter the cells _____________ or as in larger organisms materials are moved throughout the body by a _________________.

3. Cellular Respiration __________________________ is the life process of releasing ____________ energy. Food materials are broken down into energy, water, and carbon dioxide. Cellular Respiration is _________________ i. _________________________ requires ________ from the environment carried by ______________ inside the cell ii. _______________________ without the use of oxygen from the environment does not use the mitochondria iii. ________ ATP is the energy molecule made from cellular respiration All cells use ATP as their _____________ form of energy

4. Excretion Excretion is the life process of ________________________ from the body Many different types of wastes: urine, urea, ______, ______, heat

5. Regulation Regulation is the life process used to ______________ and ______________ the organism Regulation is carried out by the nervous system and/or _______________

6. Synthesis and Assimilation i. ______________ = combination of simple substances into more complex substances. ________________ ii. ____________ = incorporation of material into the organism's body .

7. Growth Growth is an _____________ in size or __________________ Growth results from ___________ and _______________ ___________________________ = when cells transform to have specific jobs ex: in human growth, life starts as one cell but forms many different body parts In most animals growth is a finite process. It has an end, but in some plants, growth has no definite end

8. Locomotion ____________ is the ability to _________ from place to place ________ – has to ability to move from place to place ___________ – stationary, nonmotile Locomotion is an advantage to be able to find: _______ ______________

8. Reproduction Reproduction is the life process by which organisms ________ ___________________________________________ i. ________________ reproduction a single individual reproduces offspring genetically ____________ to the parent ex: __________, fission, budding, vegetative propagation ii. _____________ reproduction there are two parents and the offspring are a _____________ of the parents genes

9. Metabolism _____________ is the combination ____ the life processes occurring within the cells of an organism Metabolism is _____ the chemical reactions in an organism Metabolism involves the ________ of substances, the ____ ______ of substances, _____ of energy, and ___ of energy 10. Homeostasis ________________ is the condition of a constant internal environment Homeostasis is keeping the organism in ___________ even though the environment is changing Uses feedback mechanisms to help maintain a ______________________

EX: Regulation of ________ through an elephant's ears to help keep it _____. EX: _________  a reaction to keep your body warm when you are cold. EX: Increased __________ during exercise EX: Immune system responding to _______________ in your body