$20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 Types of Energy Transformations Potential vs. Kinetic Energy Pictures Playing with Energy $20
$10.00 Energy that warms things is called ___.
Heat Energy
$20.00 Energy that helps us see things is called ___.
Light Energy
$30.00 This energy is sometimes called “movement” energy.
Mechanical Energy
$40.00 The type of energy that you can hear.
Sound Energy
$50.00 This energy moves through conductors or wires
Electrical Energy
When people eat food ___ energy is changed to mechanical energy. $10.00
Chemical Energy
$20.00 When you turn on the lights ___ energy is changed to light energy.
What is: Electrical Energy
$30.00 When you turn on the radio __ energy is transformed to ___ energy.
What is: Electrical Energy to Sound Energy
$40.00 When you light a match ___ energy is changed to light energy.
What is: Chemical Energy
$50.00 When the sun dries up a puddle on the sidewalk what type of energy is being used?
What is: Heat Energy
Stored or Energy in Action? The energy in a battery. $10.00
What is … Stored Energy
$20.00 Stored or Energy in Action? The energy in a Whopper sandwich
What is … Stored Energy
$30.00 Stored or Energy in Action? A boy rolling down a hill.
What is … Energy in Action
$40.00 Stored or Energy in Action? An unlit match
What is … Stored Energy
$50.00 Stored or Energy in Action? Taylor shooting a goal.
What is … Energy in Action
$10.00 What type(s) of energy is this plant receiving?
What are … Light and Heat Energy
$20.00 What type(s) of energy does the picture represent?
What are … Sound and Mechanical Energy
$30.00 What type(s) of energy does the picture represent?
What are … Mechanical and Gravitational Energy
$40.00 What type(s) of energy does the picture represent?
What is … Electrical Energy
$50.00 What type(s) of energy does the picture represent?
What are … Heat, Gravitational and Mechanical Energy
$10.00 What types of energy are used to play a piano?
What are … Mechanical and Sound
What types of energy are used when you play volleyball? $20.00
What are … Mechanical and Gravitational Energy
What type(s) of energy is used when you are bowling? $30.00
What are … Mechanical and Gravitational Energy
What type of energy is used to listen to your I-pod? $40.00
What are … Sound and Electrical Energy
What type of energy is used ride a skateboard? $50.00
What is … Mechanical Energy
Final Jeopardy How much would you like to wager? The category is novels Who wrote the book Harry Potter? J.K. Rowling