Native Americans the Powhatan, Sioux, and Pueblo By Mrs. Laoo
The Powhatan The Powhatan were part of the Eastern Woodland Indians that lived in the Tidewater region of Virginia near the Atlantic Ocean. The Powhatan were hunters and farmers.
The Sioux The Sioux nation was made up of seven tribes known as the Seven Council Fires. They got almost everything they needed from the buffalo, so they followed herds from place to place.
The Pueblo Some of the first Indians living in the Southwest built permanent homes on top of the mesas. Pueblo Indians were farmers.
How They Lived Powhatan Lived in longhouses. Hunters and farmers. Traveled by walking and canoes. Sioux Lived in tipis. Hunted buffalo. Traveled by walking and riding horses. Pueblo Lived in Pueblos. Farmers. Traveled by walking.
What They Wore Powhatan Clothes were made from the skins of animals. Sioux Clothes were made from the skins of deer or elk. Pueblo Clothes were made from cotton cloth.
What I Learned Powhatan Sioux Pueblo
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