PURPOSE OF ATTENDING THIS TRAINING COURSE To learn about risk assessment technology for environmental contaminants and their impact on human and environment. To learn about risk assessment technology for environmental contaminants and their impact on human and environment. To acquire techniques for the operation of analytical instruments To acquire techniques for the operation of analytical instruments To acquire knowledge of latest research in the field of environment To acquire knowledge of latest research in the field of environment To acquire solving of global environmental issues regarding pollution. To acquire solving of global environmental issues regarding pollution. To reduce and solve the environmental problems in my country To reduce and solve the environmental problems in my country This training is very important for my job and for my country This training is very important for my job and for my country
WHAT I HAVE STUDIED from THIS COURSE The course was divided into: The course was divided into: Lectures Lectures observations observations Practice (practical work) Practice (practical work)
The LECTURES There were very important lectures in different aspects, such as: There were very important lectures in different aspects, such as: The Principles of environmental chemicals, The Principles of environmental chemicals, Environmental endocrine disruptors, Environmental endocrine disruptors, Toxicity Assessment of Environmental Toxicants, Toxicity Assessment of Environmental Toxicants, Studies on the Elucidation of pesticides residue, Studies on the Elucidation of pesticides residue, status and agriculture production scene. status and agriculture production scene.
Observations Kobe offshore reclamation disposal site.(waste disposal management in sea.) Kobe offshore reclamation disposal site.(waste disposal management in sea.) Nishinomiya waste municipal refuse disposal center.(incineration) Nishinomiya waste municipal refuse disposal center.(incineration) Matsushita Eco- technology co,ltd.( TV,Refrigirater,washing machine,A/c reclying ).. Matsushita Eco- technology co,ltd.( TV,Refrigirater,washing machine,A/c reclying ).. Waste Treatment Plant Waste Treatment Plant Port Island Waste Treatment Plant: Domestic Waste Management Plant by incineration. Port Island Waste Treatment Plant: Domestic Waste Management Plant by incineration. Waste water treatment facilities in Kobe Steel Company ltds Kakagawa works. Waste water treatment facilities in Kobe Steel Company ltds Kakagawa works. Shimadzu Plant and Memorial Hall in Shimadzu Company Ltd. Shimadzu Plant and Memorial Hall in Shimadzu Company Ltd. Fisheries Technology Institute, Fisheries Technology Institute, Water Treatment Techniques Shinko Pantec Co. Ltd9Research center for Dioxin&PCB) Water Treatment Techniques Shinko Pantec Co. Ltd9Research center for Dioxin&PCB) Environmental Bureau of Hyogo Prefecture Government (PCB sampling) Environmental Bureau of Hyogo Prefecture Government (PCB sampling) Sanyo Electric Company Ltd: Battery assembling lines and waste water treatment Sanyo Electric Company Ltd: Battery assembling lines and waste water treatment Institute of Environmental toxicology, Tsukuba Institute of Environmental toxicology, Tsukuba
National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences,Tsukuba. National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences,Tsukuba. National Institute of Resources and Environment,Tsukuba. National Institute of Resources and Environment,Tsukuba. National Institute of Environmental Studies, Tsukuba. National Institute of Environmental Studies, Tsukuba. Minamata City.( Mercury pollution) Minamata City.( Mercury pollution) Cement Factory. Cement Factory. Kobe Stell Co.Ltd ( one of the big steel company in japan.) Kobe Stell Co.Ltd ( one of the big steel company in japan.) Integrated treatment and recycling system (Daiei inter Nature System Company ltd) Integrated treatment and recycling system (Daiei inter Nature System Company ltd)
Practices HORIBA: PH, Turbidty, DO, COD, Stack gas analyzer, CO,SO2.NOX,O3,etc. PH, Turbidty, DO, COD, Stack gas analyzer, CO,SO2.NOX,O3,etc. GC-MS,LC-MS,HPLC. GC-MS,LC-MS,HPLC.
HITACHI HPLC,AAS,LCMS, HPLC,AAS,LCMS, Centrifuges, Centrifuges,
SHIMADZU Ambient air monitoring. Ambient air monitoring. Process of gas monitoring. Process of gas monitoring. Emission of gas monitoring Emission of gas monitoring
HPTCAFF Analysis of biomass. Analysis of biomass. Rapid analysis of heavy metal in soil Rapid analysis of heavy metal in soil ICP – Atomeic Emission Spectrophotometry ICP – Atomeic Emission Spectrophotometry Analysis of nitrates (NO3) in vegetables Analysis of nitrates (NO3) in vegetables Water quality examination Water quality examination
Kobe Quarantine Station Simultaneous analysis of agriculture products, fruits, and vegetables Simultaneous analysis of agriculture products, fruits, and vegetables We work on GC, GC/MS We work on GC, GC/MS
HPIPHES Analysis PCBs in sea sediment Analysis PCBs in sea sediment Rapid Analysis of ELISA method Rapid Analysis of ELISA method Analysis of formaldehyde & acetaldehyde in ambient air Analysis of formaldehyde & acetaldehyde in ambient air Monitoring of the site polluted with VOCs Monitoring of the site polluted with VOCs Measurement of cyanide in water sample by packed test Measurement of cyanide in water sample by packed test Measurement of phenol in water sample by pack test. Measurement of phenol in water sample by pack test. Measurement of ammonium in water sample by pack test. Measurement of ammonium in water sample by pack test. Measurement of hardness of mineral water Measurement of hardness of mineral water Analysis of heavy metals Pb, Cd, in water by flame type AAS & ICP Analysis of heavy metals Pb, Cd, in water by flame type AAS & ICP Monitoring & analysis of ambient particulate matter Monitoring & analysis of ambient particulate matter
Kobe University We conducted study on ELISA in the center of Environmental Genomic Kobe University. We conducted study on ELISA in the center of Environmental Genomic Kobe University. ELISA: Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay, used for the measurement of EDs such as dioxin& pesticides residue. ELISA: Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay, used for the measurement of EDs such as dioxin& pesticides residue.
Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country? This course give me more technical knowledge regarding the new technology & latest advance instruments in the field of environment which were introduced by various Japanese companies, such as Horiba,Hitachi,shimadzu etc. This course give me more technical knowledge regarding the new technology & latest advance instruments in the field of environment which were introduced by various Japanese companies, such as Horiba,Hitachi,shimadzu etc. All the subjects in this training course are very important and useful for me and can minimize environmental problems in my country. All the subjects in this training course are very important and useful for me and can minimize environmental problems in my country.
As a limnologist ( AWF/Risk assessment officer) my job is the analysis of river water & to monitor & asses the risk posed by the environmental toxic chemicals,Industerial, municipal & agriculture contaminants on human&, aquatic biota (Fish). My responsibility is to protect water contaminants/pollution in river water and to conserve fish. As a limnologist ( AWF/Risk assessment officer) my job is the analysis of river water & to monitor & asses the risk posed by the environmental toxic chemicals,Industerial, municipal & agriculture contaminants on human&, aquatic biota (Fish). My responsibility is to protect water contaminants/pollution in river water and to conserve fish. Analysis of water pollution is the most useful in my country. Analysis of water pollution is the most useful in my country.
Action plan I will take much interest in research as compared to field work (Conservational duty for the control of illegal fishing in the are). for the improvement of environment. I will take much interest in research as compared to field work (Conservational duty for the control of illegal fishing in the are). for the improvement of environment. I will up-grade the existing laboratory facilities. I will up-grade the existing laboratory facilities. I will train the laboratory research staff in analysis & monitoring of environmental sampling. I will train the laboratory research staff in analysis & monitoring of environmental sampling. I will transfer all the latest technology studied in this training to my field & research staff,Involving them in every technique of sampling & analysis. I will transfer all the latest technology studied in this training to my field & research staff,Involving them in every technique of sampling & analysis. I will teach the lab. staff about the principle & operational techniques of GC-MS. I will teach the lab. staff about the principle & operational techniques of GC-MS.
I will transfer the scientific method of ICP& AAS for the analysis of heavy metals in water. I will transfer the scientific method of ICP& AAS for the analysis of heavy metals in water. I will demand for the provision of all possible new & latest analytical instruments to Laboratories which I have used during practice in Japan. I will demand for the provision of all possible new & latest analytical instruments to Laboratories which I have used during practice in Japan. I will monitor the aquatic biota (fish) for the environment & save fish fauna from mercury pollution, its effect on environment, & on human (Minamata disease.) steps required to prevent Minamata incident in future. Minamata disease is a typical example of pollution-related to health demage in japan. I will monitor the aquatic biota (fish) for the environment & save fish fauna from mercury pollution, its effect on environment, & on human (Minamata disease.) steps required to prevent Minamata incident in future. Minamata disease is a typical example of pollution-related to health demage in japan. Analyzed Hg, Cd, As in water sample. Analyzed the sampling for PCB/Dioxin in water, sediment & its effect on human. Analyzed Hg, Cd, As in water sample. Analyzed the sampling for PCB/Dioxin in water, sediment & its effect on human. I will Analyze water sampling of different rivers in my province & district I will Analyze water sampling of different rivers in my province & district
Prevention of pollution in river waters by mass awareness. Prevention of pollution in river waters by mass awareness. Control of illegal fishing through cruel means such as dynamite & toxic chemicals. Control of illegal fishing through cruel means such as dynamite & toxic chemicals. Establish NGO’S/ village development committees for the control of pollution & illegal fishing in rivers. Establish NGO’S/ village development committees for the control of pollution & illegal fishing in rivers. provide training opportunity to community regarding the control of water pollution. provide training opportunity to community regarding the control of water pollution. Prepare magazines, pamphlets, manuals, guidelines regarding the prevention of water pollution & contamination. Prepare magazines, pamphlets, manuals, guidelines regarding the prevention of water pollution & contamination.
Mass awareness through media regarding pollution control & clean environment. Mass awareness through media regarding pollution control & clean environment. Delivered lectures, seminars on environmental problems & issues. Delivered lectures, seminars on environmental problems & issues. Collect analysis data & statistical data relating to water pollution. Collect analysis data & statistical data relating to water pollution. Enforcement of Act& ordinance regarding environment. Enforcement of Act& ordinance regarding environment. Request to the concerned authority for providing GC-Ms, ELISA KIT for the analysis of pesticides in water.( Japanese products ) Request to the concerned authority for providing GC-Ms, ELISA KIT for the analysis of pesticides in water.( Japanese products )