British Embassy Art Competition 2015
What do I have to do? In celebration of HM The Queen Elizabeth II surpassing Queen Victoria as the longest reigning British monarch, all budding artists of all ages are invited to participate in an ‘’Art Competition’’
What do I need to do? 1. Participants should draw or paint a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. 2. Print and complete the form on the next page with your name, administration number and tutor group. 3. Place or glue the form on the top left of your portrait. 4. Take a picture of your work with the form attached to the portrait. 5. Share it with the British Embassy by and using the following hashtag #QueenElizabeth2Portrait.
What do I need to do? The deadline for all entries is 27 September 2015 The British Ambassador and his wife will select their favourite pictures to be framed and displayed at the embassy and on our social media channels. Winning artists ill also have the opportunity to see their work on show and to meet the Ambassador, Matthew Lodge, and his wife, Alexia, as they unveil the pictures.