Maureen Curran and Mary Lou Aalbers Hazelwood School District Click here to begin Teacher Tips
You will need to click the mouse to show the answers for activities. This will allow you to control the timing of answers shown. Click on triangle in left corner of slide to select writing pen. Click on triangle and choose pointer options to hide pen before going to next slide. We suggest that students keep a journal. It is critical for students to use writing skills to explain their answers. Please take time to discuss possible solutions to problems. Frequently there will be more than one way to solve a problem.
Click here to return to beginning Patterns and Relationships The following lesson is addressing these standards: Examine, predict, design,extend, and describe patterns and relationships. (MO 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 3.3) Design and compare patterns and relationships using rules, charts, and graphs. (MO 1.6, 1.8, 2.7, 3.3)
Perimeter of 1 hexagon train is _____ Click on triangle in left corner to select writing pen. Click on triangle and choose pointer options to hide pen before going to next slide.
Perimeter of 2 hexagon train is _____
Perimeter of 3 hexagon train is _____
Can you complete the table? 1 6 # of Hexagons Perimeter
1 6 # of Hexagons Perimeter