Annual Insurance Premium $2,602,285 Employer Paid $1,947,323 Employee Paid $ 654,962 State Funds Received $ 898,716 Current # Employees on insurance 262
Medical Insurance MUST be offered to ALL Full time employees – 30 hours per week Non-discrimination rule – Employee costs must be the same for ALL employees Employee Costs for Health care must be affordable – premium cannot be greater than 9.5% of an employee’s gross wage Under the new law – all employee’s are required to purchase medical insurance or receive a penalty on their tax return.
The Unknown question? – How many additional full time employees will enroll in our State Insurance plan due to the changes in the new law? In order to make insurance costs affordable for all full time employees, changes had to be made in the basic calculations.
All Certified Employees deduction increased by $76.81 per month effective 09/01/2013 All Certified Employees received $1,000 increase to their base pay to compensate for this change. Effective Jan 1 st – make contributions the same for all employee’s
Effective Jan 1, 2014 – Each Medical Insurance plan will increase 5.6% of premium COSTS (not the employee costs) In the last two years – medical insurance plans have increased over 14%
The Henry County Board of Educations has decided to split the costs of the 5.6% increase this 2014 plan year. The Local Education State Insurance plan is now offering a lower costs plan option