K INDERGARTEN Back to School Night 2015
P ERSONAL INFO Ms. Hinton: Room 181 Mrs. Walsh: Room 057 Ms. Jackson: Room 047 g Ms. Gordon: Room 045 Ms. Katherine Fitzgerald: Room 016 d.org Ms. Thomas: Room 053 Mr. Fenton: Room 051 Ms. Jenks: Room 179 Ms. Rivera: Room 175
H OW TO BE SUCCESSFUL AT SCHOOL Be on time – 9:10 a.m. Be prepared: take home folder, guided reading bag Have a good night’s rest Wear appropriate clothing & have it labeled Check folder and sign behavior chart daily Help with homework every night Read with your child every night
S CHEDULE Daily Specials Bring media books back on Thursday. Wear sneakers on Wednesday for P.E. Counselor – rotational schedule (every 3-4 weeks) Recess/lunch
R ECESS /L UNCH Wear appropriate clothing Know pin # Appropriate foods (no soda, etc.) Appropriate amount Focus on eating during lunch period Birthday parties: last 10 minutes during lunch: store bought goods Snacks – appropriate, healthy, consider allergies
R EADING BLOCK Guided reading daily Differentiated instruction Leveled text: end of year goal: L6 w/ comp. Sight words Literacy centers Sustained silent reading Spelling program – Words Their Way
W RITING BLOCK Detailed pictures Real colors Invented spelling Match pictures to words – visa versa Hand writing Verbal pathway – 54 letters including ‘ a ’ and ‘ g ’ Letter identification and sounds Use of sight words, spelled correctly
M ATH BLOCK Daily guided math groups Differentiated instruction Math Investigations plus Curriculum 2.0 Math centers Weekly assessments Hands on – using manipulatives Less paper-pencil
S OCIAL S TUDIES & S CIENCE Embedded throughout entire curriculum Last 30 minutes of each day Extensions through field trips Fall – Spicknall’s Farm Winter – Baltimore Aquarium Spring - National Zoo
E VENTS October: Community Helpers Program Fall Harvest Party February Valentine’s Day Party 100 th day of School Celebration June: Kindergarten Celebration
V OLUNTEERING Must take the mandatory volunteer training from the front office Classroom parties Chaperones for field trips Available on a first come, first serve basis Usually only 3-5 spaces allotted on bus per class May drive themselves and meet at location
R EPORT C ARDS Grading System: P – proficient I – in progress N – not yet Progress reports Sent home every 3 rd week Feedback 2 pieces of work will be sent home every Friday Parent-teacher conferences November
H OUSEKEEPING DETAILS Guided reading folder Behavior calendars How to contact teacher? , note in take home folder Time sensitive (ie. Dismissal change) please give written note in morning or call office H.W. including daily reading and monthly math BINGO
M ATH H OMEWORK F OCUS : D EVELOPMENT OF M ATHEMATICAL F LUENCY IN K INDERGARTEN By the end of the year, students will: Fluently add and subtract within 5 Homework may come in the form of: Games Math problems or tasks Math practice
Reading Homework The goal is to read as many books and for longer periods of time. Read for at least 20 minutes a day Read text at the independent level Read text of different genre including: Fiction (chapter books and picture books) Informational text Graphic novels Magazines Locating books at the independent level: