7 th Grade Week 37 Agenda & Obj. 5/13-5/17 Monday: Novel & Vocab Study Demonstrate command of…standard Engl. Grammar…simple, compound, complex… Determine two or more central ideas… & Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Analyze how particular elements of a story interact (eg how setting shapes the characters or plot) Determine meaning of words and phrases… Determine or clarify meaning…greek/latin roots… Tuesday & Wednesday: Writing Demonstrate command of…standard Engl. Grammar…simple, compound, complex… Use knowledge of language… express ideas precisely and concisely, recog. wordiness Conduct short research projects to answer a question… With guidance…wiring process…planning, drafting, revising, editing… Produce clear and coherent writing… Write routinely over extended time frames… and shorter time frames… Thursday: Novel & Vocab Review Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Determine meaning of words and phrases… Analyze how different elements of a story… Friday: Quiz & Wrap up Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Determine two or more central ideas… Analyze how different elements of a story… By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and other texts… Determine or clarify meaning…greek/latin roots…
Daily Writing: Mom 5/13/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Yesterday was Mother’s Day! What did you do for your mother? What do you appreciate most about your mother? Explain her! Why isn’t their a “Kids” day? Should their be? Explain!
Monday: Vocab & Novel Study 1.Show me roots part 3 & FTM vocab worksheet. 2.Hand in sentence variety worksheet. Planner FTM vocab part 2 due tomorrow. FTM Reading & Questions Part 2 due Thurs. Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 2, roots 1-3, and FTM reading (chapters 6-9)
Monday: Vocab & Novel Study 1.Results of the buddy system! Same groups for the next two weeks. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! 2.Vocab: 1.Write FTM part 2 in your notebooks. 2.Draw illustrations for each word. 3.Write sentences for each word. 4.Due tomorrow what you don’t get done in class. 3.Play vocab pictionary/charades. 4.Popcorn read & answer study guide questions. Part 2 due Thursday! If EVERYONE gets their study guide questions done, we’ll watch more of the movie on Thursday or Friday.
Buddy HW System New Buddy Homework System! o The group that turns in ALL of their homework on time for the next two weeks gets: A late HW pass per group member. To pick the game during gym! o Rules/stipulations: o If a group member is absent, this counts against turning in HW on time. UNLESS the group member turns in the homework when everyone else does. o Using a late HW pass counts against the team. o NO COPYING OR DOING WORK FOR EACH OTHER! o If more than one group turns in all of their HW, I’ll look at times tardy or absent. o If more than one group turns in all of their HW and has never been tardy or absent, I’ll give everyone in those groups late HW passes and Mr. Hickman will think of something special for those groups during gym.
Buddy Groups Group 1: Idil Saynab Muna Rakia Latifa Group 2: Sagal Sahro Habso Fatma Najma Group 3: Abdullahi A. Omar Zuhayb Abdirahman Group 4: Marwan Jabir Abdullahi H. Siyad Group 1: Hafsa Khadija Sundus Caisha Samira Group 2: Miski Asha Habsa Hanna Aisha Hibaaq Group 3: Yasin Abdulahi A. Abdisalam Abdulqadir Group 4: Ramadan Yusuf Wako
Daily Writing: 5/14/13 Choose one picture and start a story…
Tuesday: Writing Show me vocab part 2. Planner FTM Reading & Questions Part 2 due Thurs. Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 2, roots 1-3, and FTM reading (chapters 6-9).
Tuesday: Writing 1.Review of sentence forms. 2.Review of essay structure. 3.Timed essay! o Make sure to use proper capitalization & punctuation. o Use a variety of sentence forms. I expect to see some compound sentences, some complex sentences, etc. Not just simple sentences. o Turn in your essay and the writing prompts handout BEFORE you leave!
Daily Writing: Alone 5/15/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~Helen Keller “Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying.” ~Martin Luther
Wednesday: Writing Planner *FTM Reading & Questions Part 2 due TOMORROW! Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 2, roots 1-3, and FTM reading (chapters 6-9) Due Monday: Research on Fireworks. *REMEMBER: If EVERYONE gets their study guide questions done tomorrow, we’ll watch some of the movie!
Wednesday: Writing Due Monday: o Journal title: Research on Fireworks o Do some research to learn about fireworks. Find out about their history and what causes them to explode. Also learn how the following chemicals mentioned in the novel are used in fireworks: magnesium, potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, sulfur, aluminum, copper, and strontium nitrate.
Wednesday: Writing 1. Self-edit. If you didn’t finish (NF), finish first before moving on to editing. 2. Rewrite. When you’re done self- editing, rewrite your essay as nicely as you can! I will take points off if I can’t read it. 3. Hand in. Staple your checklist on top of your 2 nd draft (labeled “2 nd draft”), 1 st draft, and outline and hand them in. DUE BY THE END OF THE PERIOD. 4.Done with all that? Read silently and work on study guide questions due tomorrow
Daily Writing: Sad 5/16/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.” ~Khalil Gibran “The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” ~Carl Jung
Thursday: Review Show me your questions part 2. Planner Tomorrow: o Crossword puzzle o Quiz on FTM vocab part 2, roots 1-3, and FTM reading (chapters 6-9). STUDY! Due Monday: Research on Fireworks (in your journal). Make sure to summarize in your own words! At least a page.
Thursday: Review 1.Review last week’s quiz & Subject/Predicate/Object. 2.Crossword puzzle out of roots 1 through 3 and FTM vocab part 2. Due tomorrow what you don’t get done in class. 3.Bingo? 4.“Jeopardy” of Part 2. Tables compete! Please pass the white board around.
Daily Writing: The Media 5/17/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: What effects does watching violence have on people? What effects do cigarette and alcohol advertising have on young people? What kind of t.v. commercial would you like to make? Describe it.
Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up Hand in your crossword puzzle. Don’t forget about the buddy system! Planner Due Monday: 1.Write new roots (part 4) & FTM (part 3) in your notebook. o Don’t forget sentences & pics! 2.Research on Fireworks (in your journal). 3.DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR NOVEL ALL WEEK!
Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up 1. No talking during the quiz! 2.When you’re done: 1.Work on late work 2.Write the new roots & vocab in your notebook. 3.When you’re done with all that, read silently! 3. 7B Movie! Last minutes of class. 4. 7A: 2 nd chance? If those of you who didn’t get your ?s done can finish them after the quiz, we can start the movie the last 10 minutes of class).