Classroom Procedures Mrs. Mirick
Enter the Classroom Walk quietly into the room. Sharpen pencils, turn in homework, get your spiral from the basket, and sit quietly at your desk. Your DOL (Daily Oral Language) exercise will be either on the chalkboard or the starboard. You will have 5 minutes to complete the DOL. After you finish the DOL, sit quietly and read or work on other work until it is time to go over the answers.
DOLs We will do DOLs Monday through Thursday. You will have 2 to 3 sentences to correct. You are looking for mistakes in grammar, capitalization, & punctuation. We will go over the sentences and correct them as a class. You will get a weekly grade for turning in all 5. All 5 need to be done on the SAME sheet of paper. Your title should be DOL & then the Date.
Spiral Notebooks You will need a spiral notebook to keep in my classroom for all notes that we take. You may also use the back for your writing assignments or use your second spiral for writing.
With what do I write? Pencil or pen-no red ink. Blue or Black pen only on final drafts of writing assignments. I will hand back papers written in red and ask you to rewrite them.
Can I go to the Restroom? Class is only 45 minutes long. You need to wait until we change classes.
How do I take care of trash, etc. during class? If you have any trash to throw away, put it at the corner of your desk or on the floor next to your desk during class. At the end of class, when we switch, you may throw away anything that you need to.
Turning in homework All homework should be turned in to the black trays on my desk. Make sure you put it in the correct tray for your homeroom. DON’T LEAVE WORK ON MY DESK! Turn in homework at the beginning of the class period or when I ask for it to be turned in. DON’T TRY TO GET UP & TURN IN WORK DURING THE LESSON. It disturbs other students.
Titles on my papers All papers should have the following at the top: First & Last Name Date Class (6A,6B, or 6C) Title of assignment (on the top red line) No name papers will be displayed, but if they are not claimed, they will be thrown away. No name papers will have 11 points deducted from the grade.
At the end of class You will pass spirals to the end of the row to be put back into the basket. The person at the end of the row is in charge of putting all spirals in the basket. Make sure all trash is picked up & your chair is pushed under your desk before you leave. Line up quietly at the door & wait patiently to go to the next class. No talking in the hall between classes.
Spelling You will have a spelling quiz every Friday. I will give you a list of all the spelling words each Monday. Each month you will receive a spelling menu. You are to do 3 activities a week on the menu during the week as practice for the quiz. The spelling homework is due each Friday before the test but you may turn it in early. The spelling homework and tests will count as 15% of your total writing grade.
Grammar We will study grammar every Thursday. You will always have homework on Thursday to practice what we learn in class. The homework will be due on Friday. You will have an opportunity to ask questions about the homework after the spelling quiz on Friday and I will go over any SPECIFIC questions you have before you have to turn it in. Grammar homework will be due by the end of the period.
Writing We will have at least one writing assignment each week. Each one will come with it’s own specific instructions and grading rubric. When I assign you something to write, I will always tell you what I want in the writing and how I am going to grade it (rubric).
Consequences for Misbehavior redirection (punch card) move seat &/or take away privilege or physical exercise (ex: have to work by yourself instead of with a group, have pushups) sign book (parent contact) lunch detention with Mrs. Luna go to the office (for major misbehavior, you may skip the first 4.)