›Warm up- What is a physical change? How is it different than a chemical change? Activity 7: Identifying Solids.


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Presentation transcript:

›Warm up- What is a physical change? How is it different than a chemical change? Activity 7: Identifying Solids

Activity 6 Analysis Questions + PowerPoint Question

›Physical properties- characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the substance into something else in the process. ›Chemical properties- traits of a substance that you find by seeing if it reacts in certain ways with other chemicals. ›Miscible- a substance is able to mix with another liquid. Non-miscible liquids separate into layers or bead. Activity 6 In Case You Missed It…

›THIS FRIDAY I will be looking at your notebooks. ›Scoring guide on OneNote ›2 pages for each activity. 1 for notes, 1 for analysis questions –Example: Activity 1, Activity 1 Analysis Questions ›Labels (In Case You Missed It, Student Sheets, homework) ›POINTS CHANGED- 20 pts for classwork only. OneNote Notebook Check

›This Friday! ›Be sure to have your notebook organized, cleaned up, labeled, and easy to read! ›The questions will not be as simple as the previous quiz! Our Next Quiz…

›Please open your books to page A26. ›Student Sheet 7 in OneNote Content Library Activity 7 Identifying Solids

›Conductivity- ›Density related to water- Testing Solids Demo

›Water has a density of 1.0 g/cm 3 ›Ethanol has a density of 0.79 g/cm 3 ›Objects with greater density than 1.0 g/cm 3 will sink in water. Objects with density less than 1.0 g/cm 3 will float. ›Titanium has a density of 4.3 g/cm 3. Would it float in water? Would it float in ethanol? ›This test shows relative density, not exact! A Note about Density

›Density related to ethanol- ›Reacts with copper chloride- Testing Solids Demo

›Test each solid just as I have in the demos. ›Remember lab safety! You need goggles; if they are not on your eyes, it is an automatic Last One Out! ›Record results on “Properties of Separated Solids” on Student Sheet 7 in the OneNote content library. Your turn!

TestsRed TubeBlack Square Short Metal Cylinder Tall Metal Cylinder Conductivity Density relative to water Density relative to ethanol Reacts with copper chloride Class Comparison

›On your own, with a partner, or with your group, work on Analysis Questions 2-4. ›They should be done in your OneNote notebook. ›Make a new page for the questions. Title it “Activity 7 Analysis Questions.” ›Also, look up the densities of copper, Styrofoam, and aluminum. Would they float or sink in water and ethanol? ›OMIT #1 and #5! Analysis Questions