BUILDING A GREAT BOARD Going Beyond Best Practices
ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANTS D. David Brown – Executive Director, Pacific Northwest Ballet Glenn McCoy – Executive Director, San Francisco Ballet Barry Hughson – Executive Director, Boston Ballet Valerie Wilder – Executive Director, Australian Ballet Moderator: Arturo Jacobus – Executive Director, Atlanta Ballet
COMPONENTS OF BOARD DEVELOPMENT 1.Organization 2.Policies and Practices 3.Populating 4.Leadership and Succession 5.Executive Director’s Role
ORGANIZATION Legal membership structure Committees; their function and authority – Executive – Other Board size Officer structure Adjunct boards, committees or counsels
POLICIES & PRACTICES Term limits Minimum giving requirement Other expectations of membership Frequency of meetings Meeting structure and content Board/staff relationship
POPULATING Recruitment Orientation Training
LEADERSHIP & SUCCESSION Leadership structure Terms Succession planning
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S ROLE Lead to lead principle Architect and strategic thinker Partner and critical resource for board chair Mover