PRIVACY AND THE CONSUMER Privacy Issues Forum 30 March 2006 David Russell Chief Executive Consumers’ Institute NZ
Competing demands of privacy protection Individual rights Commercial imperatives Effective operation of a modern democratic society.
Sector specific areas Health Finance – in particular, banking Electronic trading Local government There are more, but another day.
Health (continued) Whose information is it? Who holds the information? Who processes the information? US example of Pakistan data-entry person threatening to reveal patient records from a San Francisco medical centre Balance between freedom and protection of information.
Finance Growing concern with new systems and in particular, internet banking Credit Reporting Privacy Code good step in consumer protection However, we must watch our backs – a review of the Banking Code of Practice attempted to place greater responsibility on the customer for security of information.
Electronic trading Almost all commercial deals are now assisted by high tech systems Ability to collect, cross reference and distribute is known to the point of tedium Nevertheless, more education is needed Aggregated, sales information can be good Individual, identifiable purchaser information bad – the tricks range from sharp to crooked.
Local Authorities Every bit as good as health sector at hiding behind Privacy Act as reason not to disclose information Every bit as good as cunning marketers at collecting and selling information
Codes of Practice To be encouraged Allow greater flexibility for change Keep up with the real world Allow for community as well as commercial impact Consumers must know they are there.