Literature: Friday, September 6, 2013 Handouts: * Quiz over Hatchet chapters 17 – 19 * In-class assignment: Theme handout Homework: * Have a wonderful weekend! (Remember, I grade hard!) Assignments Due: * Character Change * Optional: Extra Credit opportunity—Five Events handout
Today’s Goal: Learn about “character change” and how significant (important) that is to a novel. Outcomes: Define the term “theme” as it relates to literature. Indicate what you think is the theme of Hatchet and support it with evidence. Discuss Hatchet Chapters 17 – 19 by citing your observations, questions, and opinions.
Starter #1 When you were in grade school and you read stories or novels, did you ever discuss what the “theme” was in each story? What does the term “theme” mean in literature? “Theme” is the key insight or “lesson about life” that an author is communicating through his/her story. A story may have more than one theme. To indicate the theme correctly, you should support your theme statement with evidence from the novel to prove it.
Starter #2: What is the theme of Hatchet? Prepare to share your answer to that question after you complete today’s quiz. In fact, today, at the end of your quiz answers, skip a line, then write a brief paragraph about the theme of Hatchet. Your first sentence should state what you think is the theme (make it a complete statement, not a one-word answer). Use the rest of the paragraph to support your statement with proof from the story.
Starter #3: Take everything off from your desk except for pen (with dark colored ink) and a sheet of notebook paper. Create a heading as follows: Your Name (first & last name) Class: Lit 6 - ___ Date: Fri., Sept. 6, 2013 Assignment: Hatchet Quiz #9, Ch 17 – 19 Number your paper from 1 to 32 (one number on each line). You will be given a quiz handout, but you are NOT to write on that quiz. Put all your answers on the sheet of notebook paper. Please use CAPITAL letters to indicate your answer.
Starter #4: Let’s see how well you did on this quiz. Please take out a red pen. . . . When I hand you a quiz to grade, please write at the bottom of the page: G.B. and your name (first & last name)