National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 National Waterways Conference Preparing Today for the Needs of Tomorrow Portland, Oregon Annual Meeting September 8, 2006 Ellen J. Johnck Executive Director BRINGING PARTNERS TO THE TABLE FOR REAL RESULTS
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 The Bay Planning Coalition’s mission is to advocate the balanced use and regulation of San Francisco Bay- Delta resources to ensure the economic prosperity and environmental protection of the region.
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Partners BPC members=maritime, builders, local government, labor, recreation, professionals Organization alliances: finance, chambers of commerce, manufacturing, sewer districts,flood control, technology Federal, state and local agencies: USACE, EPA, USFWS, NOAA, Ca Fish and Game, state and regional water boards, Bay Conservation & Dev Comm Building on mutual responsibility for the economy + environment + quality of life.
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 BPC Case Studies LTMS and Environmental Windows Wetland Restoration and Reuse Saving Maritime Access to Deep Water Regional Air Quality-Goods Movement Strategy B
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 San Francisco Estuary
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Real Results--LTMS 40% ocean-40% upland-20% in-Bay Port of Oakland -42’ + -50’ deepening Coordinated permitting office (DMMO) TMDL Mercury Water Quality Plan— dredging is not a loading to the Bay Delta LTMS—navigation, flood damage reduction, water conveyance, ecological improvement,
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 LTMS and Environmental Windows Mission: Dredge and Protect Endangered and Threatened Species Not wholly a us vs. them but a planning issue Assess dredging impacts on species
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 81 dredging projects approved annually (4-5 mcy) within specified windows Received Congressional funding for LTMS and science studies ($3m) under federal O&M appropriations Selected for NOAA’s Marine Transportation Partnership Program—Best Management Practices Building trust among agencies and stakeholders and keeping all at “the table” Real Results—Environmental Windows
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Real Results—Wetland Restoration and Dredged Material Reuse Sonoma Baylands, Montezuma, Hamilton Army Airfield, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Bair Island
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Regional Air Quality-Goods Movement Strategy California Air Resources Board adopts 67 measures to reduce marine emissions to 2001 levels by 2010 Ports, railroads, ships, trucks, cargo- handling equipment are targets Health risk assessments Public role—environmental justice, labor industry, local government
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Real Results – Air Quality (pending) Organizing the planning and funding framework Establish shared goals Linking goods movement with air quality improvements is vital Key stakeholders: Transportation agencies, ports, and goods movement (container, bulk commodities including petroleum) industries, community, state and local air regulatory boards, local government) Port of Oakland demonstration; next Bay area
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Saving Access to Deep Water Balancing land use along waterfront Going, going… gone Buffer zones Engaging industry for strong advocacy Options for trading public trust and public dollars
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Real Results—Saving Access to Deep Water (pending) Assemble local advocacy cluster group Expand to include community and local government stakeholders focused on local land use plan and buffer zone Establish shared goals Integrate with regional economic development planning for maritime trade and commerce
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006 Real Results—Integrating environmental stewardship with economic development
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006
National Waterways Conference Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon September 8, 2006