Smart Cars + Smart Roads Safety, Mobility, Telematics and Operations ITS Oregon Annual Meeting February 1 st, 2005 Jim Wright, American Association Of State Highway and Transportation Officials
2 Agenda Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) 511 Systems 511 Systems AASHTO/Operations AASHTO/Operations Future Activities Future Activities
3 CICAS Prevent or reduce intersection type accidents Prevent or reduce intersection type accidents Signalized/stop sign intersections Signalized/stop sign intersections ViolationsViolations Gap assessmentGap assessment Infrastructure approach & vehicle approach Infrastructure approach & vehicle approach Research activity Research activity
6 VII Exploring feasibility of a nation wide communications network (DSRC) Exploring feasibility of a nation wide communications network (DSRC) Partnership between AASHTO/USDOT/Auto Companies Partnership between AASHTO/USDOT/Auto Companies Work has been underway for over a year Work has been underway for over a year
7 The Vision “Vehicle manufacturers and transportation agencies would build systems that communicate with one another” “Vehicle manufacturers and transportation agencies would build systems that communicate with one another” Prevent crashesPrevent crashes Provide real time operating conditionsProvide real time operating conditions Provide real time consumer servicesProvide real time consumer services
8 The Partnership AASHTO Policy leadership & advocacy Technical participation & field testsUSDOT National leadership Technical management Funding Automobile manufacturers Policy leadership & advocacy Technical participation & field tests NHTSANHTSA FHWAFHWA
9 The Opportunities Active safety applications Active safety applications Overcome driver error (90% of accidents)Overcome driver error (90% of accidents) Prevent run off the road, intersection crashes (40% fatalities MN)Prevent run off the road, intersection crashes (40% fatalities MN) Reduce rear end, lane change & merge collisionsReduce rear end, lane change & merge collisions
10 Probe Vehicles Vehicle to Roadside Communication Would Enable Vehicles to Act as Active Probes Vehicle to Roadside Communication Would Enable Vehicles to Act as Active Probes Data from Existing Vehicle Based Sensors Could be Communicated to Roadside Data from Existing Vehicle Based Sensors Could be Communicated to Roadside Potential Coverage of Every Road and Street Potential Coverage of Every Road and Street Example Information Example Information Average Speed and Travel TimeAverage Speed and Travel Time Incident DetectionIncident Detection Onset of PrecipitationOnset of Precipitation Road ConditionRoad Condition
11 Telematics/E-Commerce A Wide Range of Commercial Services Will Likely be Enabled A Wide Range of Commercial Services Will Likely be Enabled Dynamic Route GuidanceDynamic Route Guidance Electronic PaymentsElectronic Payments Fleet ManagementFleet Management Vehicle DiagnosticsVehicle Diagnostics In Vehicle SigningIn Vehicle Signing
12 Mobility Management VII Could be an Enabling Technology for a New Generation of Direct Traffic Assistance or Control VII Could be an Enabling Technology for a New Generation of Direct Traffic Assistance or Control Possibilities Include: Possibilities Include: Queue ManagementQueue Management Dynamic Intersection ControlDynamic Intersection Control Merge AssistanceMerge Assistance
13 VII Infrastructure Concept Data Server Information to traffic centers on speed, volumes, density, queues, accidents, weather. Alerts relayed back to drivers. Vehicle unit Roadside unit
14 25 services in 22 states – 25.7% of the population 511 Progress Gold – 511 “Live”Blue – Received Federal 511 Planning Grants
Progress Call Volumes 25 Millionth Call to 511 Placed in November 2004
16 Organized for Operations Operations Council Operations Council TrafficTraffic MaintenanceMaintenance Systems ManagementSystems Management Subcommittee on Systems Operations & Management Subcommittee on Systems Operations & Management 3 members each state3 members each state Task Forces on TI, IM, PM, WZTask Forces on TI, IM, PM, WZ Joint meeting June 4 th /6 th KansasJoint meeting June 4 th /6 th Kansas
17 What’s next in 511 Targeted Outreach to Large Metropolitan Areas Targeted Outreach to Large Metropolitan Areas Large areasLarge areas 511 Lite511 Lite 511 Interoperability 511 Interoperability Benchmarking / Synthesis of AlternativesBenchmarking / Synthesis of Alternatives Technical Documents Technical Documents Guidelines UpdateGuidelines Update National Progress ReportNational Progress Report 511 Performance Measures 511 Performance Measures Usage TrackingUsage Tracking WorkshopsWorkshops National Conference (Spring 2006) National Conference (Spring 2006) Sunset Coalition by end of 2006 Sunset Coalition by end of 2006
18 What Next in VII? National VII Conference February 9 th /10th th, San Francisco National VII Conference February 9 th /10th th, San Francisco Executive leadership partners meeting March 30 th, Dearborn, MI Executive leadership partners meeting March 30 th, Dearborn, MI Complementary field tests: Complementary field tests: Minnesota/Ford Motor Company (probes)Minnesota/Ford Motor Company (probes) California/ITSWC 2005 Demonstrations (safety)California/ITSWC 2005 Demonstrations (safety) Florida/iFlorida ProjectFlorida/iFlorida Project Michigan/ITS Test bed (getting started)Michigan/ITS Test bed (getting started) Technical developments – proof of concept testing Technical developments – proof of concept testing