Adele Baines Business Improvement Co-ordinator Tel.: Early Childhood Services Early Years Pupil Premium
What is the EYPP? Additional funding for early years providers in the PVI and maintained sectors. To improve quality of early education for disadvantaged 3 & 4 year olds. Aims to close the gap - additional support disadvantaged children get at 2 through free Early Education Entitlement & at 4/5 through school-age Pupil Premium.
How much is it? An additional 53p per child per hour per year (equates to just over £300 for each eligible child taking up 570 hours). To be introduced in April Participation-led funding from Autumn 2015 to the Local Authority. Collecting eligibility information from May Approx children in Bradford could benefit - additional funding of >£750k into Bradford early education providers.
What are the eligibility criteria? Eligibility mirrors that of Free School Meals: - Income Support - Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance - Income-related Employment & Support Allowance - Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit - Child Tax Credit with earnings from employment below £16,190 below £16,190 (providing not also entitled to Working Tax Credit) - Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit - Looked After Children - Looked After Children who have left care through Child Arrangement Orders (formerly Special Guardianship) or an Adoption or Residence Order. Parents need to give NI number, DOB & surname to check eligibility. Eligibility must be checked annually.
How will it work? (Ctd.) The Looked After Children Virtual Headteacher will identify Looked After Children attending settings and therefore eligible. LAC EYPP Funding has been devolved - providers / schools will receive the funding as per EYPP for other eligible children. Awaiting DfE guidance on who will pay the EYPP to academies – Education Funding Agency or Local Authority. 4-year-olds in primary school reception classes already receiving school-age pupil premium are not eligible for EYPP funding. school-age pupil premium
How will it work? All parents asked to complete and return the DfE form Input the details of all eligible children or those whose parents were unsure but wanted their eligibility checking onto the template Display EYPP Poster in Nursery Upload completed form to BSO using Secure Postbox Early Childhood Services staff check details against the national eligibility checker School Funding Team pay EYPP along with normal payments each term Download EYPP Data Collection Template from BSO
Using the EYPP Funding Providers / schools will be expected to: ensure funding is well communicated to all parents every term (in case of change of circumstances) and all complete the EYPP form at least annually; have a robust strategy for use of EYPP; publish this on their website; demonstrate how strategy addresses needs of vulnerable children. The EYPP strategy and use will be a key factor in Ofsted grading.
Using the EYPP Funding (Ctd.) Existing Education Endowment Foundation Teaching Learning Toolkit - extended to Early Years with research on best use of resources. Early Intervention Foundation Guidebook - online library of programmes deliverable locally to improve outcomes. Main accountability for use of EYPP will be through Ofsted inspections.
Using the EYPP Funding (Ctd.) DfE encouraging schools / providers to use EYPP to purchase services from teaching schools alliances - excellence already proven by their Ofsted rating. 100 teaching schools with registered nursery provision on site and over 1,000 more schools with nursery provision on site linked to teaching school alliances. Also 20 regional hubs bringing together all types of early years providers - benefit from shared knowledge and expertise to drive up quality area. Could pool EYPP funding with other schools / providers to maximise the value Schools may consider pooling EYPP and Pupil Premium to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils across the school.
Suggested Uses of the EYPP Training Strengthening the understanding of Child Development Parental support. Links with schools / Teaching Schools Alliances – buy in training Staffing Extra workers to perform home visits re attendance. More adult one-to-one time with children especially in larger classes. Increased qualifications across the staff team. Buy in Family Support Workers for play in home work. Pool funding for extra Family Support work. Miscellaneous Parental Peer Mentoring Effect of poor diet / lack of sleep on learning – extend breakfast clubs to 3-4 year olds. Support wraparound childcare to improve attendance. Links with Health / Children’s Centres. Widen child experiences (thus encouraging attendance) – subsidised trips / visits. Additional specific resources e.g. ICT (e.g. for SEN children).
Next steps Display EYPP poster to raise parents’ awareness. Add details to school website (will also be on council website). Give all parents the EYPP form to complete. This presentation, the guidance document and the form are all accessible through Bradford Schools Online.
Any Questions? Thank you for your time