AdCom July 13, 2013 San Francisco President’s Report Janet Barth
Division IV Meeting Antennas and Propagation Society Broadcast Technology Society Consumer Electronics Society Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Magnetics Society Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Council on Superconductivity
MTT Society Review Successes that the reviewers identified – A new journal that does not just stir things around – A portfolio of Regional conferences to supplement our flagship conferences – Vast structure for mentoring for local chapters including Regional coordinators; Best Chapter Awards – Reputation for quality resulting in attractiveness of conferences and journals; volunteer support – Exceptionally strong financial position which permits MTT-S to make investments
Technical Activities of Current Future Directions Working Groups Harold Tepper, Future Directions – Senior Program Director
Division IV Round Table Discussion GOLD Functions – The CE Society had a lecture about Career Development and networking at a recent GOLD function. Societies and Councils are being urged to sign Sister Society agreements. Elie Track, President of the IEEE Council on Superconductivity, expressed interest of working with NPSS Media – The CE Society had students from film schools attend their conference to create UTube clips of the conference. Several conferences put IEEE and NPSS membership on conference name badges The NPSS PAC’s Teacher Day was mentioned. There was a lot of interest in this topic, so NPSS will give an overview at the November Division IV meeting.
Candidates for Division IV Director-Elect Stephen D. Dukes William W. Moses
President’s Forum & TAB Meeting (1) Globalization of the IEEE continued to be of major interest at the June TAB meeting, particularly growth in Regions – IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (IEEE/CAA JAS) – IEEE has been approached by a multiple Chinese publications Distribution of Revenue Formula of Xplore Revenue Publication Ethics – Particularly Impact Factor Manipulation Open Access Payment Policy for Delinquent Authors – Society pays – The record of payment so far (200 articles) is better than overdue page charges. Technically Co-Sponsored Meeting Charges by IEEE Society of Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) Sections Congress in Amsterdam Aug 2014
President’s Forum & TAB Meeting (2) Sections Congress in Amsterdam on August 2014 Review of the Biometrics Council was presented – Recommendation that the provisional status be extended for eighteen (18 months), or 31 December 2014 – TMC will appoint an advisory committee to assist Council leadership in fulfilling its business plan objectives. The IEEE Technical Activities Mission and Vision statements were revised with the approval of TAB: Inspire, Foster and Empower Technology-Centric Worldwide Communities
President’s Forum & TAB Meeting (3) Future Directions Committee presented a proposal for a project to address growing urbanization in developing countries by supporting a “Smart Cities” project. – Contribute to managing the urbanization by raising awareness on benefits and downsides of technology – Help guide the appropriate uses of technology The timeline for proposing new journals has been revised. The timeline is given below. It will be strictly enforced. A concept for a new infrastructure initiative, Social Media at IEEE, was presented at the meeting. – Member surveys have shown that networking is important to 70% of IEEE members. – Members rank IEEE’s effectiveness low in this area.
President’s Forum & TAB Meeting (4) Reduction in IEEE revenue while overhead is increasing – The IEEE has made extensive investments in three major infrastructure projects – Concern that Societies are not being treated as stakeholders Growth in the IEEE staff and overhead was a subject of intense interest at the TAB session – Concern was expressed that IEEE is bringing conference business under their umbrella. – Noted that the MOU process is having problems because volume of MOUs was not expected (3 times more than expected) – Noted that staff and infrastructure tracks with the growth in the number of conferences and New Initiatives. A motion was passed to make available annually, as part of the Societies’ budget process, a schedule that includes the various allocations of the gross IP revenue resulting in TAB/Society net IP distributions.
President’s Forum & TAB Meeting (5) The IEEE is developing guidelines for dealing with inappropriate conduct. They will write a real policy to be passed in November Examples – Repeated use of IEEE position for personal gain – Repeated inappropriate use of IEEE resources – Repeated inappropriate behavior that does not reach the threshold of harassment Note that many of these issues are “on the edge” of being questionable, and if more blatant, they would be automatically escalated to Ethics and Member Conduct Committee.
Side Meetings Life Sciences Working Group – Interested in support from NPSS – EMBS reconsidering their involvement Transactions on Medical Imaging MOU – Attendees Janet Barth - Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Bruce Wheeler - Engineering in Medicine & Biology Jackie Hines - Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Ray Lui - Signal Processing Richard Baseil - IEEE Signal Processing Society Executive Director (Interim) Women in Engineering - Keyana Tennant