AAfter the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 66% of Japanese-Americans were imprisoned. DDuring World War II, over 127,000 Japanese-Americans were imprisoned. EEven Japanese-Americans that served the U.S. Army were sent to internment camps. After executive order 9066, Japanese- Americans had only 48 hours to get out of their homes. Picture From: a.weebly.com/
Adults that worked at the camps only got $5 a day. There were 10 internment camps in the U.S. in remote areas of seven western states. The largest internment camp was in Tule Lake, CA with a peak population of18,789 people. Even though over 120,000 people were imprisoned, during all of World War II only 10 people were convicted of spying for Japan.
Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu was born January 30, 1919 in Oakland, CA. Fred died March 30, 2005 in Marin County, CA at the age of 86. Fred worked on his family's nursery until his family left for the assembly center in On May 9, 1942, Fred’s parents and his three brothers left to go to Tanforan Assembly Center. When his family left, Fred stayed and got minor plastic surgery to his eyes to look less Japanese and to continue his normal life. Picture From: nsho.org/Fred_Koremats u/
Fred stayed with his girlfriend and was arrested on May 30, 1942 for not following the executive order. Fred took his case to the U.S. Supreme Court in December of 1944, but lost with a 6-3 vote. He then returned to the assembly center until the release of Japanese-Americans. He then moved to Detroit, Michigan where he met his wife, Katherine.
Fred and Katherine Korematsu were married in Detroit before they moved to the San Francisco Bay area. They raised their two children, Karen and Ken, in California. In 1998, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 7 years before he died. His wife, Katherine, died in 2013, 8 years after his death.
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