Welcome to Parent Information Night Shamrock Gardens 3 rd Grade Ms. Parker
School Hours / Attendance School Hours are: 8:15am– 3:15pm 8:15 is tardy bell; you must sign your child in at the office Must send in note when your child is absent
Classroom Rules Respect other people. Respect our environment. Respect ourselves. Consequences: Warning Loss of Free Recess Time Logical Consequences Notes / Home
Parent-Teacher Communications Note in Agenda Weekly Take Home Folder Power School Phone Calls Class Wiki
Curriculum "Balanced Literacy Independent reading, writing, fluency/word work, and guided reading Resources: *Independent, Self Selected Books Reading and Writing Project CAFE Lessons Comprehension Tool Kit Strategies That Work Weekly Reader/Time For Kids/Storyworks Scholastic Guided Reading Lessons Discover Education Sites
Curriculum Students will conference and practice various reading strategies. Utilize books on each students individual reading level.
Curriculum INVESTIGATIONS Number Sense, addition and subtraction, geometry, fractions, problem solving, multiplication and division Critical Thinking Hands-on activities Hands on Equations
Curriculum Curriculum in science: Structure of the Human Body Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth and its Systems Ecosystems (Plants)
Curriculum Curriculum in Social Studies: Government Economy Community Oh, The Places Youll Go
TD Enrichment William and Marys Center for Gifted Education 4 th Grade Problem Solvers Hands on Equations Critical Thinking Curriculum Compacting Book Clubs Integrated Technology
Homework Students should be able to complete homework without parent assistance. (check for completion) Students should always show how they got their answers when possible. We are recording our reading time, so we can be Superstar Readers.