Creating a Community Driven Resource Library Kami Griffiths, Executive Director
Community Technology Network (CTN) is a nonprofit in the San Francisco Bay Area that provides support to computer centers with the goal of helping more people improve their computer skills.
The Big Idea To create a central repository for information useful to people who manage computer centers or teach digital literacy skills.
Finding a Team Creating a taxonomy Using Delicious social bookmarking site Creating a feed from Delicious to Drupal Developing definitions for tags Training key people across country to tag Keeping it going
SEATTLE : David Keyes, Karen Manuel, Ramona Black, Vicky Yuki CHICAGO: Michael Maranda AUSTIN : Dale Thompson, Gene Crick OHIO: Angela Siefer SAN FRANCISCO: Kami Griffiths, Erika Jones-Clary TEAM
Define: what the tags mean Debate: what should be tagged Discuss: what makes for a good resource Walk through process of tagging, providing access to the Delicious account Double check that the resources are tagged correctly Delicious doesn’t allow duplicates TEAM TAXONOMYDELICIOUSDRUPALDEFINITIONSTRAINING
Develop system for submitting new resources Better user interface on Rating system Adding comments Create feeds to Word Press and Joomla Will Delicious go away? Dealing with broken links TEAM TAXONOMYDELICIOUSDRUPALDEFINITIONSTRAININGSUSTAINING
Questions? Contact Information: Kami Griffiths,