Professionalism Planners Planning Communication


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Presentation transcript:

Professionalism Planners Planning Communication Lansdowne Elementary School’s Essential Agreement Policy (2007-2008 First Draft) Planners Planning Attitudes/ Learner Profile Professionalism Communication The Staff agrees to: wCreate 6 units of inquiry to be completed by the end of September 2012. wImplement and reflect on 6 units by May 2012. wParticipate in one day of collaborative planning per year to write, revise, and reflect on planners. wCompile an IB Notebook with each of the six units. Notebooks will include lesson plans, students’ work, and rubrics. The purpose will be to archive student work and maintain lesson plans to ensure consistency and delivery of learning based on grade level standards. Notebooks will be available for weekly review. wIncorporate the research process in each planner. wCreate lessons integrating SMARTBoard technology into each planner. wAdhere to the designated planners as created by each team to promote the integrity and consistency of content/curriculum objectives between teams and across grade levels. wWeekly team planning (90 minutes) will be scheduled at each grade level. wActive participation by each team member is expected. wAdvanced preparation for planning should include gathering of materials (Pacing Guide, SCS, etc.) prior to the scheduled session. Teacher assistants are covering classes from 8:45-9:30 or during the day when the team has planning. wBook Study is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month. wSpecial Area teachers will be included in the planning sessions. A schedule for planning will be determined at the beginning of the year. wLesson plans must be included in your IB notebook. Skeleton lesson plans can be included in your notebook with more elaborate plans in your lesson plan book. If team lesson plans are used, everyone must participate in the writing of the plans. wSingle Subject teachers tie in when applicable. wPlanners and lesson plans are posted on the group shared drive so single subject teachers can refer to them. wA two week overview (introductory lessons) will be conducted to introduce and review with the students the attitudes/profiles/transdiscip linary skills. wEvidence of attitudes and the learner profile will be incorporated in each planner. wTeachers will also articulate these elements through report cards and parent/teacher conferences. wTeachers will model the IB attitudes in student, parent and professional relationships. wVisual displays of the learner profile and attitudes will be evident in each classroom, common areas, and Single Subject classes. wInformation pertinent to attitudes/profile will be included in weekly communications (such as parent newsletters, school website, etc.). wProfessional interaction (tone of voice, respectful attitude, etc.) should be demonstrated by all staff members. Teachers will nominate a student monthly for recongnition for explemplifying IB attitudes and profiles. This students will participate in a recognition celebration and receive a certificate for the attitude or profile exemplified. The staff agrees to: wActively participate and contribute to the work of school improvement committees. wContribute to a positive school climate. wDemonstrate commitment to the mission, vision and goals of the school. wModel a passionate commitment to student learning and the belief that all students can learn. wDemonstrate and support all Essential Agreements developed by Lansdowne staff. wActively participate and support the development of positive community alliances and parent, student and staff relationships. wWork collaboratively with students, parents, and colleagues modeling and applying the IB attitudes and professionalism. wBe on time to all staff meetings and be respectful of presenters. wGrade level (team) generated parent letters will be sent home at the beginning of each new planner. A copy of each letter will be placed in your IB notebooks. There will be 6 parent letters per grade level in the notebooks. wMonthly (minimum) newsletters will be distributed to parents detailing specific weekly activities, objectives, projects, etc. A copy of each newsletter will be placed in your notebooks. wCommunications will be sent home in the mother tongue. wMorning announcements will incorporate Spanish. wTeachers will check their email three times daily. Each grade level maintains a wiki, as well as the school, which posts important information and documents for parents. The program of inquiry, as well as all policies will be posted on the school website.

Curricular Agreements Attendance Lansdowne Elementary School’s Essential Agreement Policy First Draft (page 2) Internationalism Research Student Portfolios Curricular Agreements Attendance wAll units of study will reflect an international focus. wStaff will develop an awareness of issues as they relate to internationalism. wThe faculty will continue to add instructional resources related to other cultures, languages, and perspectives. wThe staff will maintain and embrace the diverse school culture. wPrioritize funding for the purchase of additional non-fiction collections for the Media Center and classrooms. wStudents will be taught the research process beginning with note-taking and ending with a final product. wChildren will explore and develop an understanding for various venues of research (books, personal interviews, Internet, etc.). wStudents will be taught how to determine if a site is credible, how to identify primary and secondary sources, and about ethics and research. wStudents will meet the grade level proficiency standards for technology use. wStaff will become proficient in Word, PowerPoint, and SMARTBoard technology. Staff in-service will be provided. wThe portfolio will include a collection of student work consisting of one selected artifact per unit that demonstrates growth, thinking, creativity and reflection, for both academic and social development over time. In grades K-1, the student work is teacher selected and in grades 2-5, the pieces are teacher and/or student selected for a total of 6 pieces per year. wStudent portfolios are maintained at each grade level and will travel with the students through fifth grade. At the end of fifth grade, the portfolios are taken home by students. wA reflection form accompanies each selection. In grades K-1 the teacher completes the form. In second grade the teacher or student completes the form. wTeachers will review each student’s portfolio at the beginning of each year. wThe IB philosophy, NC Standard Course of Study, and CMS curricular guidelines will drive the instructional focus. wAssessment data will be utilized to determine the instructional course of action ensuring alignment with student needs. wA school-wide uniform homework policy will ensure that differentiated homework is assigned, reviewed, and assessed regularly. Teachers will monitor independent reading: (20-30 minutes) nightly (20-30 minutes) daily Students will read on the appropriate independent level AR goals will be set and monitored weekly. wThere should be a direct connection between spelling words and daily instruction. Emphasis should be placed on vocabulary development, rules for spelling, and personal dictionaries. Better use of word walls will help in this area. In order to promote a continuous, high quality program: wAs a staff we will foster healthful living and working conditions by attending school daily. wWhen staff members are absent, sub plans (separate from the sub folder) are to be provided by every teacher. wWhen single subject teachers are absent, lesson plans and materials are also to be provided for the substitute. wTeachers are encouraged to locate a sub for their absence, as well as following the CMS protocol for initiating sick leave. As a professional courtesy, teachers will notify a team member of their absence.

Single Subject Teachers/ Teacher Assistants Assessment Lansdowne Elementary School’s Essential Agreement Policy 2007-2008 First Draft (page 3) Single Subject Teachers/ Teacher Assistants Single Subject Teachers/Teacher Assistants (continued) Assessment Exhibition Expectations Training wThe Media Specialist, Art, PE, Spanish, Resource, and ELL teachers will be assigned to meet with grade level teams to facilitate communication between teachers and specialists. wThe Media Specialist will compile resources that support the Central Ideas, IB attitudes, and learner profile traits. wSingle subject teachers will complete report cards indicating student growth in the areas of IB attitudes and profiles. wAll single subject teachers will align their daily instruction with the various grade level planners. wResource, TD, SBS, and ELL teacher should actively participate in the inquiry instruction. wWhenever possible, SBS students should participate in the mainstreamed inquiry instruction. wDuring the two weeks prior to the beginning of each planner, each single subject teacher will meet with the grade levels to get an overview of material that will be covered during the unit. Specialists will complete a written reflection on each of the planners taught. wPrioritize the use of teacher assistants to increase achievement by working with student groups daily. Grade level teachers and single subject teachers will meet quarterly for “Speed Planning” to share what is currently being covered in the planners and how the specialist plans to collaborate. wAll units will begin with a pre-assessment activity and will also include formative assessments, summative assessment, and student self-assessments. wAssessments reflect authentic and performance-based evidence of learning as well as projects and oral and written reports. wStaff will be committed to, and actively engaged in, continuous professional growth and development. wTeachers will participate in school-wide IB training. wAs funding allows, teachers will participate in Level 1, 2, or 3 training to further their understanding of the IB philosophy. wBy attending a PYP training, the teacher agrees to a 2 year teaching commitment in an IB school. wUpon completing of PYP training, application of the learned material should be evident in the daily classroom instruction.