Classify types of technical support Self-HelpHelp-DeskFace-to-Face TECHNICAL SUPPORT
What is technical support ? A service provided by a computer or technological company for aiding or advising customers of its product or service, also called tech support.
TYPES OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT Self-Help Support Resources that enable one to find answers and resolve problems on their own, without having to contact Technical Support. Examples Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpages Discussion forums and blogs
TYPES OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT Help Desk Support Help desks are staffed by people who can either solve the problem directly or forward the problem to a more experienced technician. Also known as call-centers
TECHNICAL SUPPORT Before calling tech support, take these steps: Write down the exact problem and what action you were doing when the problem occurred. Note any error messages or take a photograph of the message. Try to replicate the problem, if possible. Note your operating system and version. Be specific when talking to the support person. Perform backups, if possible, before taking a computer to a technician for repair.
TYPES OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT Face-to-Face Support Usually reserved for more in-depth problems The computer or device is taken to a repair center or a technician comes to the user’s location. The technician usually will call with an estimate before performing repairs.
Tech Support will follow similar procedures to fix a computer problem. Identify the Problem Establish a theory of probable cause Test the theory Establish a plan of action Verify full system functionally Document findings, actions, and outcomes TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY
1.Identify the problem. Don’t overlook the obvious. Question the user Use open ended and closed ended questions. Perform backups before attempting repairs. THE STEPS OF THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY CompTIA’s Six Steps of Troubleshooting
2.Establish a theory of probable cause. Use knowledge of how the system operates to determine the likely cause. THE STEPS OF THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY
3.Test the theory to determine cause. Substitute known good parts to see if problem is corrected or look for software solutions. If theory is not confirmed, establish a new theory or escalate to another level. THE STEPS OF THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY
4.Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution. Obtain needed parts and install. Apply software fixes or updates. THE STEPS OF THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY
5.Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventative measures.
THE STEPS OF THE TROUBLESHOOTING THEORY 6.Document findings, actions, outcomes.