Benefice/Parish Share This increases from £6.4 to £7.8 million over the 5 year period. This is 5% per annum. Income from Church Commissioners. This reduces significantly in 2014 as a result of the ending of the funding stream for Mission in New Housing Areas. The balance is the grant that tops up the Diocesan Mission Fund which parishes are able to apply to fund specific mission based projects. Investment Income This is made up of rental income from glebe land, vacant clergy houses, dividends from equity based investments, commercial rental income from Bouverie Court. Mission and Ministry Income This is income from Occasional Services such as weddings and funerals. Education Income This is operational income generated by the Board of Education, and comes from the Service Level Agreements with Church Schools, fees support and for running school appeals panels. Income
Total Cost of Charitable Activies
Total Cost of Charitable Activities Stipends cost, include the following Incumbents, Curates & Archdeacon Stipends, NI & Pension costs, Rural Deans, Archdeacon support costs, Deaf Chaplaincy, Removal grants, first appointment & sequestration grants. Housing cost, include the following Maintenance of properties, vacancy costs, council tax, water rates, insurance, planned improvements, rent & housing allowances & professional fees. Clergy Training, include the following National Training costs, DDO, ordination support, post ordination, CME & Clergy conference costs. Diocesan support, include the following Bishops Officers & Advisors Grants & Donations, include the following National church costs, grants & donations, Pioneer Ministry. Education Capital Budgeted capital spend on school projects Expenditure
Cost of Clergy Number of Clergy in post is budgeted to increase from 131 in 2013 to 150 in 2017
Cost of Housing Number of Clergy in post is budgeted to increase from 131 in 2013 to 150 in 2017
Cost of Clergy Training Number of Residential Ordinands in training is expected to increase from 8 in 2013 to 21 in 2017