…serving the needs of our clients. 1 Operations Evaluation Department Help Desk Operations An Overview June, 2004
…serving the needs of our clients. 2 OED’s Mission To enhance development effectiveness through excellence and independence in evaluation.
…serving the needs of our clients. 3 To improve OED performance by providing Bank and non-Bank staff with more timely information and knowledge To improve Bank, partner and client performance by making OED-generated knowledge more readily available and promoting its assimilation To strengthen evaluation practice across and beyond the Bank by playing a leading role in the Evaluation, Monitoring and Quality Enhancement (EMQE) community of practice Strategic KM Goals
…serving the needs of our clients. 4 Provide Help Desk Services Design and maintain OED’s websites Maintain the Aid Effectiveness portal on the Development Gateway Strengthen the Evaluation, Monitoring and Quality Enhancement Community of Practice Provide advice to OED staff on evaluation methodology and research design Organize OED’s Learning Program Promote the dissemination of OED’s evaluation results Strengthen evaluation capacity within the Bank and the development community OED’s KM Work Program
…serving the needs of our clients. 5 OED’s KM staff 1 Lead Knowledge Management Officer 2 Officers (1 Evaluation & 1 Information) 1 Information Analyst 6 Consultants – 2 Help Desk – 1 website maintenance – 1 training/learning program – 1 lessons formulation and synthesis – 1 evaluation research
…serving the needs of our clients. 6 To promote the dissemination, utilization and assimilation of OED’s knowledge resources Help Desk Objective
…serving the needs of our clients. 7 The Way We Operate Contact information: Phone, fax, web, walk-in Request processing turnaround time: 48 hours Service assurance: emphasis on quality not quantity Continuous consultation within and outside the KM group and with OED sector and regional experts
…serving the needs of our clients. 8 Core functions Respond to requests for data, evaluation methodology, specific project and policy findings, lessons and recommendations from our evaluation results Referral service: facilitate networking activities and partnership building within and outside the Bank Provide navigational guidance in using and accessing OED’s information resources, websites and databases.
…serving the needs of our clients. 9 Proactively provide data and syntheses of completed evaluation results to ongoing OED evaluations (e.g., results of previous evaluations, related studies: India, Vietnam, Mongolia, Forestry, Gender, IDA, Russia) Provide standard background materials Develop FAQs for the sites Improve links to sources of evaluation information Contribute to OED Evaluations
…serving the needs of our clients. 10 Evaluation Lessons papers online – Utilization of Project Implementation Units (PIUs) Utilization of Project Implementation Units (PIUs) – The Bank’s Experience with Institutional Development The Bank’s Experience with Institutional Development – Disaster Assistance Disaster Assistance – Community-Driven Development Community-Driven Development Lessons databases – Lessons on Education (project component-based) Lessons on Education – Multisectoral Lessons (based on evaluation reports) Multisectoral Lessons Web content management enhancements – Developed process and tool to capture lessons and other knowledge-related products generated from OED’s evaluations Promote the use of lessons learned
…serving the needs of our clients. 11 Workshops Forestry, Global Public Policy, Gender, Social Funds, PREM Week, etc. Sector weeks Rural, Urban, Human Development, etc. Regional events SPA, Joint OED/ECA Exhibit during World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings 2000Joint OED/ECA Exhibit Major evaluation conferences American Evaluation Association, European Evaluation Association, Bi-Annual Evaluation Conference, Canadian Evaluation Association Knowledge Sharing Events to disseminate OED evaluation results & OED work
…serving the needs of our clients. 12 Upgrading and maintaining OED’s websites Thematic web pages ECG, Urban, Social Funds, M&ECD Activity rooms for OED task teams with links to website WBG External Website, EMQE and the Development GatewayWBG External Website, EMQE and the Development Gateway Using Websites to Promote OED Work
…serving the needs of our clients. 13 Share information on findings, methodology, sector/thematic and country evaluation results with partners Mutual website links to OED Partners e.g. UNDPMutual website links to OED Partners Provide assistance with the establishment of Evaluation Help Desks at partner institutions e.g. BMZ, EBRD, IADB, IFAD, US Dept. of Education Support OED Partnerships
…serving the needs of our clients. 14 Metrics, monitoring and evaluation Advisory Service Tracking System Website usage statistics Independent website evaluation Quarterly KM reports Managerial access to the tracking system Pep sessions Open door policy
…serving the needs of our clients. 15 Results from Survey Convenience of web presence: 70% Ease of use/simplicity: 65% Ability to get the help you were looking for: 61% Quick response time: 48% (N=500, Source: Surveysite.com)
…serving the needs of our clients. 16 Future Directions Do more work on dissemination and utilization of our evaluation results Collaborate more closely with ISGIM, library network and country offices Strengthen alliances with operational staff, and project task teams Develop more immediate solutions-driven knowledge products from our evaluation results.