Field Study Orientation Dr. Len Elovitz
Purpose / To provide you with real experiences that will enhance your probability of becoming a successful supervisor and/or principal (business administrator) / To provide real experiences that will help you gain proficiency in the ELCC standards / To provide you with real experiences that will enhance your probability of becoming a successful supervisor and/or principal (business administrator) / To provide real experiences that will help you gain proficiency in the ELCC standards
Prerequisites / 24 credits / Computer Applications / Educational Research / Field Application / Course Registration per your letter / 24 credits / Computer Applications / Educational Research / Field Application / Course Registration per your letter
Time requirements (minimum) / 2 hours per day / 5 days per week / 15 weeks / During, before and after school / 2 hours per day / 5 days per week / 15 weeks / During, before and after school
Activities / List of projects and activities / Substitutions - Approval of Kean Supervisor / Rubric - At end of Field I & II / All standards must be addressed by the end of Field 2 / List of projects and activities / Substitutions - Approval of Kean Supervisor / Rubric - At end of Field I & II / All standards must be addressed by the end of Field 2
Log Documentation / All on site work / Log sheets provided on my website / New sheet for each sustained amount of time / Provide a brief description of work done / Signed and dated by site supervisor / All on site work / Log sheets provided on my website / New sheet for each sustained amount of time / Provide a brief description of work done / Signed and dated by site supervisor
Electronic Logs / One file / Affidavit from site supervisor / Standard 7 / One file / Affidavit from site supervisor / Standard 7
Portfolio / Template on my Website / Documents your progress toward the standards / Paper - Binder / Electronic - CD / Template on my Website / Documents your progress toward the standards / Paper - Binder / Electronic - CD
Artifacts / Illustrate your experiences / correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, articles, photographs, invoices, budgets, schedules, telephone messages, newsletters, forms, agenda, observations, etc. / Your work or about you / Illustrate your experiences / correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, articles, photographs, invoices, budgets, schedules, telephone messages, newsletters, forms, agenda, observations, etc. / Your work or about you
Reflections / Self-assessment of your progress toward meeting the whole standard
Future learning goals / What you need to do to reach proficiency with the standard
Reflective journal / The purpose of the journal is to communicate your feelings, insights, frustrations / At least once per week / Between you and your Kean Supervisor / One file if electronic / The purpose of the journal is to communicate your feelings, insights, frustrations / At least once per week / Between you and your Kean Supervisor / One file if electronic
Action Research Project / Solve a problem identified at the field site / First 3 chapters should be completed in Research course by the end of Field I / Remainder finished by the end of Field II / Full report handed in with portfolio / Solve a problem identified at the field site / First 3 chapters should be completed in Research course by the end of Field I / Remainder finished by the end of Field II / Full report handed in with portfolio
Field Rubric / Students are required to submit the completed Field Rubric to their assigned professor at the conclusion of the internship. / The rubric and can be found on my website. / Students are required to submit the completed Field Rubric to their assigned professor at the conclusion of the internship. / The rubric and can be found on my website.
Field Supervision / Site supervisor provides day-to-day supervision of your work / Course instructor will arrange for a site visitation to meet with you and your supervisor / Course instructor reserves the right to appear unannounced to monitor your work based on the Course Information Form / Site supervisor provides day-to-day supervision of your work / Course instructor will arrange for a site visitation to meet with you and your supervisor / Course instructor reserves the right to appear unannounced to monitor your work based on the Course Information Form
Evaluation / Site supervisor’s evaluation / Experiences reflected on logs / Portfolio completion / Journal and research project are pass/fail / Site supervisor’s evaluation / Experiences reflected on logs / Portfolio completion / Journal and research project are pass/fail
Business Administrators / No standards exist / Portfolio will include projects decided upon between you and field supervisor / No action research / You have to take comps / No standards exist / Portfolio will include projects decided upon between you and field supervisor / No action research / You have to take comps
Course Information Form / Fill out and return to Kean supervisor ASAP / Schedule will be used for visitation / We’ll try for your prep - if not lunch / Directions should be from a major highway not from Kean / Fill out and return to Kean supervisor ASAP / Schedule will be used for visitation / We’ll try for your prep - if not lunch / Directions should be from a major highway not from Kean
Qualifying Exam / Requirement / Dr. Christie in Room EC 5:30 / Requirement / Dr. Christie in Room EC 5:30
Final Words / We know that this is a lot of work, but so is being an administrator / You should be given increasing responsibility as your site supervisor’s trust grows / Problems should be brought to the attention of your Kean instructor / Remember you must apply once again for Field II / Stay positive and have fun / We know that this is a lot of work, but so is being an administrator / You should be given increasing responsibility as your site supervisor’s trust grows / Problems should be brought to the attention of your Kean instructor / Remember you must apply once again for Field II / Stay positive and have fun