Measuring and Evaluating Reproductive Health Programs and Initiatives Bridgit Adamou Global Maternal Health Conference 2010 August 30 th, 2010
MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) project 5-year (Feb – Jan. 2014) associate award under the MEASURE Evaluation project Implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Project objective: Ensure optimal demand and analysis of FP/RH data, and the appropriate use of such information to measure performance and to inform FP/RH interventions and policies.
Compendium of Indicators for Evaluating Reproductive Health Programs Published in 2002 by Jane Bertrand and Gabriela Escudero, this two-volume Compendium provides a comprehensive listing of the most widely used indicators for evaluating FP/RH programs in developing countries. Organized in three parts: I: Overview II: Indicators that crosscut programmatic areas III: Indicators for specific programmatic areas
Goal of the Compendium Update Modify existing indicators to more accurately reflect current research and the kind of data that is actually being gathered and used Add new core indicators Remove outdated indicators Create links to online resources for FP/RH indicators
Process of Updating Compendium Contact Experts Identify new technical areas Conduct lit. review Compile and analyze all feedback Draft or revise guidance
Results Comprehensive and user-friendly online database with core FP/RH indicators searchable by cross-cutting or specific programmatic areas Accompanying guidance for each indicator including definition, data requirements, purpose, issues, and gender implications (if relevant) Links to nearly 100 documents and/or websites containing additional FP/RH indicators, organized by technical area
Newly Added Technical Areas Health System Strengthening Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies* Malaria in Pregnancy Obstetric Fistula Cervical Cancer Male Circumcision *USAID priority area Community-based FP Services* Long-acting Permanent Methods* Integration: - FP/HIV* - FP/MCH* - HIV/Nutrition
Next Steps… Finalize the RH Indicators Database, to be found on the MEASURE Evaluation website: Continue to develop guidance on nearly 200 newly added indicators Upon validation, include the core FP/HIV indicators Remain abreast of modifications to indicators, additions, or deletions and revise the database accordingly
MEASURE Evaluation PRH is a MEASURE project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Cooperative Agreement GHA-A and is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Futures Group International, Management Sciences for Health, and Tulane University. Views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government. MEASURE Evaluation PRH supports improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health and nutrition worldwide.