ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 RT5: Evaluation Objective:comprehensive and independent evaluation of the performance of the ensemble simulation-prediction system against observations/analyses
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Evaluation approaches improved observational datasets for Europe global scale key processes / phenomena and s2d forecast skill regional scale statistics of extremes impacts
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Evaluation approaches improved observational datasets for Europe (my expertise) global scale key processes / phenomena and s2d forecast skill (links to RT4, RT1 and RT2A) regional scale statistics of extremes (links to RT4, RT3 and RT2B) impacts (links to RT6; refer to Andy Morse)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Evaluation approaches improved observational datasets for Europe
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 ENSEMBLES-RT5 gridded observational datasets (25 and 50 km) based on ECA&D daily historical station series eca.knmi.nl
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 ENSEMBLES-RT5 gridded observational datasets (25 and 50 km) based on ECA&D daily historical station series eca.knmi.nl/ensembles
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 ENSEMBLES-RT5 gridded observational datasets (25 and 50 km) Haylock et al., accepted by JGR scaling issues: interpolation reduces extremes
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 ENSEMBLES-RT5 gridded observational datasets (25 and 50 km) (or from RT5 website) 400 registered users, 3000 unique website visitors every month
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 ENSEMBLES-RT5 gridded observational datasets (25 and 50 km) (or from RT5 website) 400 registered users, 3000 unique website visitors every month
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Remaining Need a unique name for the gridded dataset Guidance on the use of uncertainty information (standard error fields are provided, but not used!) Updates (2007, new version with improved station density, Lambert RCM grid flavour) Datasets for other variables (slp, snow cover, radiation/sunshine)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Evaluation approaches global scale key processes / phenomena and s2d forecast skill (links to RT4, RT1 and RT2A)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 GCM metrics (Prince Xavier, IPSL)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 GCM metrics vertical circulation regimes in tropical eastern Pacific -> double ITCZ syndrome (Bellucci et al., INGV)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 S2D forecast skill (Antje Weisheimer, ECMWF) (Andreas Weigel, MeteoSwiss)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Remaining Integration of evaluation results from RT5, feedback to GCM modelers (Stream 2 idea) RT5 contribution to combined weighting GCM/RCM
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Evaluation approaches regional scale statistics of extremes (links to RT4, RT3 and RT2B)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Representation of extremes in RCMs using indices Kostopoulou et al. (NOA)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Representation of trends in extremes using indices Lister et al. (UEA)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Remaining RT5 contribution to RCM weighting metrics Treatment of extremes in ENSEMBLES across different variables, time scales and spatial scales (next extremes workshop, Riederalp, January 09) Impacts perspective on extremes
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Impacts perspective Key question in adaptation strategies (design criteria): “How to assess probabilities of extremes in a non- stationary climate?” (May 08 - RT5 workshop in De Bilt organized together with WMO/CLIVAR-ETCCDI)
ENSEMBLES General Assembly Santander, Spain, 23 October 2008 Applying the non-stationary extreme-value model to precipitation in the Rhine basin (Martin Hanel, KNMI)