CONFERENCE EVALUATION PROMOTION Evaluation needs to be visible and attractive!
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO PROMOTE CONFERENCE EVALUATION? Make sure people are aware of the evaluation. Encourage people to contribute to the evaluation (by among others accepting to be interviewed and/or fill surveys). We need their feedback but their participation to evaluation is also a good way to empower them, especially those who have limited opportunities to raise their voice and to be heard. Contribute to the use of evaluation (reports and other outputs if applicable).
INFORMATION TO BE SHARED WITH EVALUATION TARGET GROUPS General information about conference evaluation: who will conduct the evaluation, why it is important to conduct such evaluation and when the report will be available (including on which website). Information on how they can contribute to the evaluation. You can also inform them about incentives if any (in that case, an incentive is aimed at convincing people to fill in surveys and/or take part to interviews).
MAIN COMMUNICATION CHANNELS Blurbs in pre-conference guide, daily news bulletins, etc. Oral announcements by chairs, moderators or speakers at the beginning, during and/or at the end of key sessions, workshops, etc. One slide at the beginning, during and/or at the end of key sessions Short and flashy ads on the conference website and on conference partners website if relevant Post on blogs, FB and Twitter
EXAMPLES OF INCENTIVES Tangible (financial or in-kind): prize (random selection of X survey respondents) free registration for next conference free subscription to membership, journals, etc. mentoring & capacity-building opportunities etc. Non-tangible (this especially applies to group interviews): empowerment networking visibility recognition