PQASSO quality standards Mirella Grillo PQASSO Quality Mark Co-ordinator Charities Evaluation Services
UK voluntary sector Civil society is varied – small volunteer-led organisations, social enterprises, national charities, infrastructure organisations Government and funder led priority for quality assurance systems Demand for accountability, efficiency and focus on outcomes Many QAS including ISO 9001, PQASSO and bespoke systems
Charities Evaluation Services Established in 1990 to support the sector with monitoring and evaluation and quality systems 20 years of expertise in this field of work Provide training and consultancy Developed a range of publications, including free publications on our website
About PQASSO In 1997 CES developed the PQASSO quality standards PQASSO is the most popular quality assurance system used by civil society and voluntary organisations in the UK 14,000 copies in circulation Adaptations in specific sectors (e.g. refugees, care services) Adaptations in Europe – Croatia (SOKNO) and Hungary
PQASSO is… Designed as a workpack A step-by-step approach to identify what you are doing well and what could be improved An holistic approach – the standards cover all areas of organisational life A self-assessment tool – an organisation judges its performance against the PQASSO standards A self-assessment tool supported by evidence A tool to identify what improvements can be made
More information Visit our website: www.ces-vol.org.uk Contact us: Training - training@ces-vol.org.uk publications – publications@ces-vol.org.uk PQASSO – pqm@ces-vol.org.uk In-depth support and consultancy – enquiries@ces-vol.org.uk Or telephone CES on 020 7713 5722