National Workshop on ANSN Capacity Building IT modules OAP, Thailand 25 th – 27 th June 2013 KUNJEER Sameer B Briefing on centralized ANSN website
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Demo of centralised ANSN website Current structure of ANSN IT network Statistics from centralised ANSN and national centres Results of evaluation survey from IT perspective Recommendations for further enhancements Discussions
Restructuring of centralized ANSN website completed in March 2012 Topical group pages Past Activities Capacity Building IT modules ANSN management structure National centre websites DEMO OF CENTRALISED ANSN WEBSITE
ANSN has a centralized autonomous network system with the support of national centers. The centralized ANSN web site is hosted and maintained by IAEA, while the national centers are responsible for their content and local management to keep the high quality of national web site. IT network serves as a management tool and a communication tool of ANSN activities. Safety evaluation and proposals for activities are conducted through this IT Network. Previously, the ANSN IT network was a decentralized network with concept of hubs and nodes. During the 8 th ITSG meeting, several options for potential IT network architecture were proposed to facilitate seamless information exchange between centralized ANSN website and national centers were proposed. CURRENT STRUCTURE OF ANSN IT NETWORK
6 PROPOSED STRUCTURE - Master Server in Asia ANSN NC China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, (France, USA) Crawling Centralized ANSN (IAEA) Australia, Germany, Pakistan ANSN Master (Asia) Synchronize Structure proposed by JNES
STATISTICS FROM CENTRALISED ANSN AND NATIONAL CENTRES Member stateNo. of registered users Average user hits per year No. of national documents Internet bandwidth Japan MBPS (shared) KoreaN/A250N/A1 GBPS IndonesiaNot available MBPS Malaysia Registered in centralized ANSN website Approx MBPS (July 2011) Thailand402000Approx MBPS Philippines MBPS Vietnam30Not available734 MBPS Centralized ANSN website 446 More than 5,000 (excluding internal hits) Almost GBPS
CENTRALISED ANSN WEBSITE: –The ANSN members believe that immediate upload of results of ANSN activities would be useful. –The ANSN members did not clearly understand who is the contact point for ANSN website updates, as updates relevant for a topical group cannot be done without IAEA assistance. –The ANSN members also recommended that content of the topical groups should be maintained by TG coordinators and TG members. –The ANSN members also commented that the centralised ANSN website should include more collaboration tools like discussion forums, restricted areas for TG members to discuss thematic issues, functionality to upload meeting material before the meeting. RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
CENTRALISED ANSN WEBSITE: Some of the improvements suggested by ANSN members are as follows: Blogs or discussion forums for issues to be discussed. Profile of ANSN members/experts to communicate for advice. More information to the public on nuclear activities should be introduced especially in national language Just facilitate easy access to the website. Very hard to log-in Advanced or developed member states have materials which are not available unless you register again at their hub. Materials from Japan, Korea and China related to nuclear safety and technology to be made more accessible Form-type pages have a bit too short of cut-off time. I.e. the website logs users out before they could finish filling out a form online sometimes To activate the online communication among the members of ANSN SC & TGs ANSN web site should be more informative on the "current" activities - by providing monthly and even weekly activities. How about work calendar by using hyperlinks to the activities RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
NATIONAL CENTRE WEBSITES: The ANSN members expressed following opinions for national centre websites: Resources for translation of content and documents are a bottleneck Additional human and monetary resources are necessary for maintaining the website content. IT resources with skill and experiences are limited to maintain an updated national centre website. RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Are you satisfied with content of ANSN website maintained by IAEA ? RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Are you satisfied with online requests (ISE, regional requests…)? RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Do you think your country has enough IT infrastructure to make the national centre website accessible easily? RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Do you have enough time and resources to maintain a good and updated content on the national website? RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Do you think the national center website should be in English or bilingual? RESULTS OF EVALUATION SURVEY FROM IT PERSPECTIVE
Review of Terms of Reference for ITSG Recognition of roles and responsibilities of ITSG members Periodically consult ITSG members for status of national centre websites and ANSN activities Resource management (human resources as well as necessary monetary resources) Consider upgrade of IT infrastructure from Regional Capacity Building perspective Propose actions for promotion of ANSN among wider audience in ANSN member states via national centre websites. Arrange relevant IT workshops for Capacity Building IT modules RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER ENHANCEMENTS