Characteristics of Personality 1)Individuals are different not only among themselves but also within themselves 2)Personality consists of feelings, thoughts, cognitions and visible behavior 3)When individuals act or react, they do so as total individuals and not as part of their selves 4)The visible behavior of an individual shows a consistency that spreads over different situations, with different people and at different times 5)Personality has a biological base, but is shaped by the environment 6)Behavior is also a characteristic of personality
Measuring Personality Ways in which Personality is measured: 1)Self Report Surveys 2)Observer Rating Survey 3)Projective Measures
Uses of Assessments in Organizations 1)Screening 2)Selection 3)Succession Planning 4)Career Planning 5)Team Building 6)Management Development Personality Determinants:
Myers – Briggs type indicator (E or I) Extravert vs Introvert (S or N) Sensing vs Intuitive (T or F) Thinking vs Feeling (J or P) Judging or Perceiving
Big – Five Personality Model 5 Factor Model called Big 5 5 Basic dimensions underlie all other Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to Experience
16 P Factor Questionnaire – Based on 16 “souce traits” Johari Window: The Johari Window is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals. Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (the word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham).
The Johari Window is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals. Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (the word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham).
Two key ideas behind the tool: Individuals can build trust between themselves by disclosing information about themselves. They can learn about themselves and come to terms with personal issues with the help of feedback from others.
Using the Johari model, each person is represented by their own four-quadrant, or four-pane, window. Each of these contains and represents personal information - feelings, motivation - about the person, and shows whether the information is known or not known by themselves or other people.
Johari Window ArenaBlind Spot FacadeUnknown Known to self Unknown to Self Known to others Unknown to Others Feedback Exposure
Behavior/ Activities cause panes to move or change size. Arena:- Giving & soliciting feedback. Self disclosure Blind spot:- Soliciting & being receptive to feedback Facade:-Giving feedback and self disclosure Unknown:- Availing yourself and being receptive to sharing experiences of others; learning vicariously
Feedback Communicate to a person or group providing information as to how their behavior is affecting or influencing you. (giving feedback) It may also be a reaction by others as to how your behavior is affecting or influencing them (receiving feedback)
Reasons for giving & receiving feedback Allows personal growth Enables the provider to learn about self Enables the receiver to gain insight Creates an open environment for effective operation and interpersonal communication Aids in preparation for the future; not dwelling on the past
Theories of personality 1)Trait Theory : Eysenck (1960) 2) Psychoanalytic Theory: Sigmund Freud 3) Behaviorism Theory: 4) Humanistic Theory: 5) Physique –Temperament Theory: Sheldon (1942)
Other Personality Traits relevant to OB 1)Core Self-evaluation 2)Machiavellianism 3)Narcissism 4)Self Monitoring 5)Risk taking 6)Type A personality 7) Proactive Personality 8) High Flyers
Linking an individual’s Personality & values to the Workplace Person-Job fit Person – Organization fit