Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Information Resource Center (IRC) Planning for a Service Program Evaluation - Case Study Public Administration 522 Presented by Ervina Castillo-Newton, John Toadlena and Scott Atole October 16, 2012
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Information Resource Center (IRC) “World’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education, and patient services” Private non-profit service organization Funded by individual and corporate contributions 68 chapters: U.S and Canada Masters level Information specialists responding to 80,000 inquiries on leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancer patients, etc. Provide information, guidance & support (phone based) Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Background on Service Program Case Study
Evaluation of Information Resource Center(IRC) – initial contact Program and academic interest & expertise match Successful response to RFP Initial discussions including questions identified in RFP response. Additional details expected in the planning process RFP: Pilot a patient navigation model for IRC follow up services Navigate health care systems Overcome barriers Evaluation of service enhancement-scheduled phone call follow up to select callers. Need identified by program staff LLS-service oriented and committed to the evaluation process Evaluate new programs and ongoing evaluations Internal funding for this evaluation Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Background on Service Program Case Study
Initial Planning: 3 months ( to launch) Report provided 6 months later LLS moved to fund a second/larger evaluation on Patient navigation EPIC model (steps before the pilot study) Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Background on Service Program Case Study
Understanding the Political & Organizational Environment Pre-project-consulted various sources Internal/external people Internet/LLS website LLS Promotional items/collaterals RFP LLS Mission Statement LLS Organizational structure (background materials/site visit) Commitment to organizational cause. Political environment associated with advocacy and organizational commitment Funding-individual/corporate LLS operations (private sector-accountability) How will the evaluation findings be used? Future funding from LLS Board of trustees. Internally competitive Location of IRD within LLS structure. department Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Assess the Context
Understanding the Political & Organizational Environment LLS values program evaluation Objective data to support the IRC program enhancement IRC – immediate program context 7 full time information specialists 80,000 phone calls annually Navigation model – innovative among other national programs Navigation to identified subgroup (2 specialists) National organization 68 chapters – IRC link to local chapters Need for cancer information (consumer friendly) Potential for collaboration “community of cancer information service professional” Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Assess the Context
Define the Relationship Between Evaluator & Sponsor Internal/External Evaluator and Funding LLS External Evaluator/Internal funding Findings were reported to the LLS Board of Trustees Primary Point of Contact – LLS Vice President or Patient Services & Disease Programs (Includes IRC) Advantages/Disadvantages-resistance to int/ext pressures, produce positive findings, objectivity, credibility, timelines(learning/building relationship), potential biases Clarify roles and the relationship early Evaluator and Sponsor roles Funding arrangements LLS –Participatory Relationship in planning and implementation LLS – 2 Managers IRC – 1 Supervisor (Ongoing Liaison) and 1 staff member Ongoing Education – Responsibilities LLS Staff – Provide feedback Evaluator-Drafts, Technical assistance (research process), Assess stakeholder knowledge Evaluator skill Relevant experience, experience and interest Qualitative vs. Quantitative Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Assess the Context
Determine the Level of the Evaluation Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is local Information Resource Center (IRC) is national. Seek to create the connection with local chapters. LLS Target population Newly Diagnosed Those seeking information on clinical trials Patients residing in Wyoming Reasoning for Target Population selection (Where will this enhancement be most helpful?): Limited LLS resources to offer the program to all callers Navigation approach –reduction in health disparities to vulnerable populations Wyoming – no local chapters Outcome vs. Process Evaluation Primary focus on outcomes IRC program enhancement – include and document the process Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Assess the context
Specify Evaluation Use LLS-findings will be used for program sustainability and continued and amount of future funding. Evaluations used to make decisions. Important to understand the implication of negative findings Will this program be duplicated? Will the literature/results be made available nationally? Validate Perspectives Communications with nearly every level of LLS/IRC Welcome evaluation Supportive of the project Important to understand that it is a program evaluation Scott Atole UNM-Main PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Gather Reconnaissance
Potential stakeholders for a service program include: Two main reasons why the evaluator must engage stakeholders in evaluation planning. Identify and Invite Stakeholders. Establish rapport. Participants involved in the evaluation planning. “Sponsor” role. Define Stakeholder Roles and Structure for Their Input. Importance of engaging the few stakeholder groups. Survey design. John Toadlena UNM-Gallup PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Engage Stakeholders
Establish Group Processes for Ongoing Stakeholder Involvement. The communication process. Methods used. Evaluation plan timeline. Preliminary reports. John Toadlena UNM-Gallup PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Engage Stakeholders
Establishment of the stakeholder. Become immersed in the nature of the program to be evaluated. “Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health”. Understanding the IRC. Conceptualize Program Theory or Rationale. Usefulness of logic models and conceptual models. Evaluation Planning Matrix (EPM). (Holden and Zimmerman, pg.78-79) Lists the evaluation questions considered. Short-term, Intermediate, or Long-term outcomes and identifies relevant data sources corresponding to each question. Outcome surveys and questions. John Toadlena UNM-Gallup PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Describe the Program
Focusing the evaluation. The planning process. Study design team. Preliminary evaluation questions. Theoretical frameworks. Ensure Feasibility. The focus on feasibility. Control or comparison group. Assess Potential Data Collection Burden. Data collection burden an issue on two levels. How much surveying could the participants tolerate. What kinds of data collection operation could IRC take on. Sample size. Draw conclusions from the results. John Toadlena UNM-Gallup PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Focus the Evaluation
Service Programs are unique Start with the Mission Statement Size and scope of the activities Evaluation Attitudes Stakeholders’ knowledge Stakeholders Expertise & knowledge Minimizes resistance Planning Process Dissemination Goals This case – positive and knowledgeable Ervina Castillo-Newton UNM-WS PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Lessons Learned
Comparison Group Based on comparison of callers Standard Service through IRC Enroll in intervention Information Specialists Qualified Trained Experienced Outcomes Ervina Castillo-Newton UNM-WS PADM 522 Planning for a Service Program Evaluation Conclusion