The German push into Soviet Union stalls out Germany and Hitler very confident “not a step back” Fire own men who retreated during charges “for 3 months the Germans pressed in on Stalingrad, conquering it house by house in brutal hand-to-hand combat.”
Soviets launch a counterattack. Winter came on Germans- 91,000 frost bitten, lice ridden, half-starved troops surrender Soviets lost 1,250,000 soldiers and civilians ◦ More than all American casualties during entire war. Turning point in the war in the East- Soviets advanced
Stalin begged the US and British to open a “second front”- What does this mean? ◦ Why?! British and American troops land in Africa- push Hitler’s troops back. “all enemy resistance has ceased. We are masters of the North African shores.”
2 year plan by the US and British- 3 million troops attack Hitler’s forces on other side of English Channel 60 mile strech of beach- ◦ 156,000 troops, 4,000 landing craft, 600 warships, and 11,000 planes Omaha Beach- “people were yelling, screaming, dying running on the beach, equiptment was flying everywhere, men were bleeding to death, crawling, lying everywhere, firing coming from all directions.” “We dropped down behind anything that was the size of a golf ball.”
QOtU QOtU D Day video
Within month of invasion- ◦ 1 million troops, 567,000 tons of supplies, and 170,000 vehicles Finally liberated the French capital from 4 years of German control.
Americans capture first German town (not Battle of the Bulge) Hitler has counter-attack (Battle of the Bulge) ◦ 120 US GIs captured, shot them down in middle of a field US able to push Germans back again, on surface little change ◦ BUT Hitler lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks, and 1,600 planes SIGNIFICANCE- Nazis could do little but retreat for rest of the war.