Medieval Medicine and Astrology
Medieval Cosmology and Some Principles of Astrology
Categories of Astrological Predictions Nativities: Predictions based on the position of the stars at birth Revolutions: Large-scale predictions (weather, disasters, wars, etc.) based on the position of the stars at the Vernal Equinox Interrogations: The use of astrology to answer specific questions about the future Elections: The use of astrology to determine the best time to begin an activity – Very common in medieval medicine
The 12 Constellations (Fixed Stars) SignElementGenderDay/NightEtc. AriesFireMDay TaurusEarthFNight GeminiAirMDay CancerWaterFNight LeoFireMDay VirgoEarthFNight LibraAirMDay ScorpioWaterFNight SagittariusFireMDay CapricornEarthFNight AquariusAirMDay PiscesWaterFNight Each sign has many symbolic associations Some are standard, some are imaginative creations of the author Each sign represents 30 degrees of the circle Each sign can also be divided into thirds, called Decans or Faces
The 7 Planets (Wandering Stars) PlanetGenderInfluenceEtc. MoonFBeneficial MercuryMIt Depends VenusFBeneficial SunMIt Depends MarsMHarmful JupiterMBeneficial SaturnMHarmful Like the constellations, the Planets are assigned many symbolic associations
The Nine Spheres Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Fixed Stars First Mover Aries Taurus Aquarius Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Gemini Pisces The spheres are not subject to change or corruption
WEST EAST The 12 Houses: Viewing the Stars (facing South) Aries Taurus Aquarius Cancer Leo VirgoLibra Scorpio Sagittarius CapricornGemini Pisces Ascendant Descendant Visible Houses Houses Below Horizon
Two Key Notions in Medieval Medicine
10 Yellow Bile Black BileBlood Phlegm Hot Cold Dry Wet Fire Water EarthAir
Medieval Pharmacology: The Theory of Degrees Hot Cold Humid Dry 11