Independence High School See the Graduation Project Webpage for more information.Graduation Project Webpage
Diploma Requirement for Class of 2010 Four Components: Paper Product Presentation Portfolio NCGP: Changes from SEP
New Rubrics! Based on words, not numbers Exemplary Satisfactory Developing and Emerging Resubmission Necessary
ExemplarySatisfactoryDeveloping/EmergingResubmission Necessary These papers are considered complete Resubmission is necessary (not completed) completednot completed
Mentors: an expert in the field- see the handbook! handbook 15 experience hours for paper and product Paper length, style, and graphic aids NCGP: Changes from SEP
CMS Website: School Timeline/Due Dates t.html Best way to see this in action: Serve on a senior project review board this year! Our school dates are November Or become a mentor! Questions??? Lisa Frank or call her at Lisa Frank