LOGO 2 nd Project Design for Library Programs Supervised By Dr: Mohammed Mikii
Contents INTRODUCTION Objectives Architectural Strategies Detailed System Design Glossary
Introduction This Design describes the requirements specification, system specification, functional and non-functional requirements of the web site of Library programs and movies and games and music. This page is designed to meet the needs of users of programs and films, games and music so as to facilitate their access to those data.
Purpose & Scope Purpose:- Facilitate access to data such as films, games, software, and songs and all the necessary user in this range from this page. Programs and download songs and Walab through certain links for each of them and display the size of each of the files before downloading
Purpose & Scope Scope:- The possibility of user registration through the control panel and see what he wants from a variety of programs, movies, games, songs and downloaded to his computer via the links on all the needs of those things.
Development Method In our project we following model (Spiral model) to implement the system. The main reason to choose this model:
Advantage of using this model:- This model is more in tune with large real life project development. Can be applied at any level in evaluation process. This helps to reduce technical risk. It is suitable for application that can be use an object oriented approach to develop software.
Architectural Strategies The following tools have been used to develop the system: MySQL: is the database where all information/data related to requests, records, logs is stored. PHP: is the programming language used to develop the system to enable it to be web-based application. PHP is considered the link used to connect users to databases through a user- friendly interface. Additionally, WAMP Server application was used as a local server to host PHP files to generate them. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: is an easy-to-use software application used to create and manage web pages. It offers many features to help develop professional layout in a few easy steps much easier than HTML. Servers: is the place that hosts all project code.
Constraints We had some problems at the site of the library the most prominent programs, including:- The system data base must be connected synchronization to the web site registration and website. Internet connection should be available to could use the system.
Architectural Strategies Context Diagram
Activity Diagram
Class diagram
Interfaces for System:- Index page(Home page):-
Page Games and programs
Page Admin
For User Interface
Glossary List of Abbreviations: System Library Programs PHP : Personal Home Page Programming Language. HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language. MySQL : Structure Query Language. UML : Unified Modeling Language. AD : Activity Diagram.
LOGO Thank You!