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Presentation transcript:

精品学习网 --- 初中频道 海量同步课件、同步备考、同步试题等资源免费下载!

Unit 1 Reading 1 What is your star sign?

Do you remember the star signs?

Guessing Game ?

Ram Aries Bull Taurus Fish Pisces Crab Cancer Lion Leo Centaur Sagittarius

Scales Libra Scorpion Scorpio Twins Gemini Goat Capricorn water carrier Aquarius Virgin Virgo

1.What is your star sign? 2.Can you tell me something about yourself? ( abilities, special qualities, characteristics) 3.How many students are under the same star sign as you? 4.What are they like? 5.Do you share similar characteristics? clever, kind, generous, hard-working, brave, patient, polite….

more words to describe people energetic outgoing confident selfish easy-going fair patient curious does not easily get angry cares only about himself/herself is friendly and loves to meet people can wait without getting angry has lots of energy wants to know about everything feels sure his/her own ability treats everyone equally

Have a try! The child is so________. He never feels tired and keeps running around. She loves parties. Because she is very ________. He answered the question in a _________ way. He thinks he will win all the time. My desk-mate is very _______. She never shares cakes with me. energetic out-going confident selfish

He is a(n) ________ man. He always says yes to others. A teacher should be ______ to every student in judging his or her performance. You must be _____when talking to a young child. Don’t be angry. Eddie is _______ to everything because he thinks it may be nice food. easy-going fair patient curious Have a try!

1.Kitty was born on 26th March. She should be kind and wise. 2.Suzy’s birthday is on 28th April. She should be energetic and active 3.Simon’s star sign is Leo. This means he is strong and confident. 4.Sandy’s star sign is Virgo. This means she is probably a careless person. 5.Daniel was born on 7th October. He should be polite. 6.Amy’s birthday is on 2nd November. She should be a patient person. energetic and active hardworking but stubborn at times modest powerful

1. Is Aries lazy? 2. Which star sign likes saving money? 3. Does Sagittarius like telling jokes? 4. Which star sign has the best imagination? 5. If your birthday is on 13th September, what is your star sign?

Aries 白羊座 21st Mar – 20th Apr What are this star sign’s characteristics? energetic impatient sometimes like to be the leader maybe selfish sometimes

Taurus 金牛座 21st Apr – 21st May What are this star sign’s characteristics? stubborn do not like change hard-working patient do not give up easily

Gemini 双子座 22nd May – 21st Jun What are this star sign’s characteristics? curious clever out-going love to talk

Cancer 巨蟹座 22nd Jun – 22nd Jul What are this star sign’s characteristics? kind love your home and family like to take care of others like saving money like cooking

Leo 狮子座 23rd Jul – 22nd Aug What are this star sign’s characteristics? strong confident generous like to buy friends nice gifts

Virgo 处女座 23rd Aug – 22nd Sept What are this star sign’s characteristics? modest worry too much at times practical always pay attention to details

Libra 天秤座 23rd Sept – 22nd Oct What are this star sign’s characteristics? polite fair practical elegant love beautiful things love peace, do not like to argue with others

Scorpio 天蝎座 23rd Oct – 21st Nov What are this star sign’s characteristics? powerful, have lots of energy like to keep secrets sometimes can not forgive others’ faults

Sagittarius 射手座 22nd Nov –20th Dec What are this star sign’s characteristics? enjoy life have a good sense of humor often be lucky love traveling to different places

Capricorn 摩羯座 21st Dec – 20th Jan What are this star sign’s characteristics? businesslike often successful good at making or planning thing patient enough, can wait without getting angry

Aquarius 水瓶座 21st Jan – 19th Feb What are this star sign’s characteristics? kind and wise have many friends be thought to be strange because try everything to be different hate to be like anyone else

Pisces 双鱼座 20th Feb – 20th Mar What are this star sign’s characteristics? generous kind gentle easy-going creative imaginative like to dream about everything

What is your star sign? Do you have the same characteristics as the star sign says? Do you think what the star signs say about people are facts? More exercises

More Exercises 1.What are your characteristics? Write a short description of your own characteristics. 2.Show your description to your partner. 3.Discuss with your partner whether or not you agree with each other.

Homework 1.Read the passage three times. 2.Try to remember all the adjectives which describe a person’s characteristics.

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