AS Making EdExcel
Page 1 Design Briefs – 1 for each project you have done this year. Example Design Brief (put the title of the product here) I am going to make a ___________. It will be made from _______. The sizes will be __________. Example Specification (specific and measurable) The product will be made from_________ It must be made to a high standard It must be made within 15 hours
Page 2 Tools & Processes NAME MaterialJustification of material Pine Mild steep Acrylic etc? Equipment/ Process Justification of Process Cutting Solidworks etc List all of the materials and tools you plan to use. Why are you using them?
Page 3 Flow Chart NAME What WILL you do step by step? – future tense! START TASK questi on STOP Yes No Tasks are what you plan to do. Questions can be quality checks. Eg task: Sand down the ends of the wood Question: Is it smooth If yes, carry on. If no, go back and do it again (feedback)
Page 3 example
Page 4 Gantt Chart NAME Task s What WILL you do step by step? – future tense! These are the tasks. Colour the boxes in the hours that you PLAN to do them. Across the top it should be in hours.
Page 4 Example
Page 5 Risk Assessment NAME
Page 5 Example
Page 6 Mr Stevens normally takes photos for this page.
Page 6 Example
Page 7 sliding mechanisms, aesthetics, original dimensions, quality of finish, ergonomic aspects, packaging, quality of finish Testing Survey asking user / 3 rd party who did you ask? Photographic evidence. What have you found out? Why is it useful to you? 1. Write question e.g do you like my product Comments Comments from users (name them) 3 rd Party Testing Photo of final product being tested My opinion 1.Strengths and weaknesses of process 2.Strengths and weaknesses of product 3.Do you think you’ve met the specification? Answer these questions: What did you test? Why? What did it prove?