Talent Development Department


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Presentation transcript:

Talent Development Department Welcome! Please sign-in. There is a sign-in sheet for each grade level. 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Questions? In lieu of time, please use the index cards provided. Along with your question: include your name, child’s name, grade level, and your contact information. Talent Development Department

Middle School Talent Development Program Annual Parent Meeting September 12th, 2013 Carmel Middle School Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department AIG Mission To provide appropriate intellectual opportunities that help academically gifted students realize their potential and connect them to their complex world. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department AIG Vision For students from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds who are academically gifted to have a rigorous and relevant educational experience. Talent Development Department

What CMS will do to obtain this vision: Use multiple criteria to identify students. Provide CMS educators with comprehensive training in best practices. Support a continuum of differentiated instructional opportunities that relates to and expands the Common Core State Standards. Match students with services that provide instruction geared for significant academic growth while encouraging other strengths and talents. Support families in their efforts to support these students. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Understand their unique social and emotional needs. Strive for self-actualization. Foster creative, critical, and innovative thinking. Practice self-directed learning and independent problem solving. Engage in collaborative experiences. Develop a capacity to see interconnections among disciplines. Apply life skills for leadership, accountability, adaptability, productivity, and social responsibility. Talent Development Department

Everyone works collaboratively to meet the needs of gifted learners. Middle School Program Content specialists might include the department chair, media specialists, as well as CMS resource personnel Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Standard Plus For students who need to be challenged with enriched grade level curriculum and work beyond their grade level. Standard Plus courses are offered in Language Arts and Mathematics. The gifted student is often stereotyped as being the National Junior Honor Society Member in an Honors classroom setting. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Honors Courses For students who need to be advanced in their learning, which will require curriculum beyond grade level. Honors courses are offered in Language Arts and Mathematics. There are students in Honors classes that are not tagged as a TD students. Why do you think that is? Children are tested in 2nd grade to determine if their thinking skills are developed enough to be deemed AIG. Talent Development Department

Placement in Honors Classes: Students are placed in the course based on: Their EOG Math & Reading Scores Grades & Prior Course Enrollment Academic Performance Teacher Input Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Desired Outcomes Curriculum studied in greater depth through the rigor of lessons and differentiated activities. Curriculum accelerated to include above-grade level material when appropriate. Advanced pace of learning (some VHS classes offered). VHS – Virtual High School Talent Development Department

What is differentiation? “A differentiated learning experience occurs when educators modify the regular curriculum setting and select instructional practices that reflect students’ readiness for learning. This ‘readiness’ includes ability levels, achievement levels, interests, and learning preferences.” ~ Mary Landrum~ Educational Consultant Middle Schools are not allocated a TD facilitator. Our academically gifted students for the most part make up our Honors classes, however not all of our Honor students are identified as AIG, and not all of our identified AIG students are in Honors classes. Carmel reaches out to challenge students through differentiated instruction. In a Language Arts class, the teacher may have 3 novels of different complexity being taught at the same time as a tool to teach the same standard, but at the rigor needed for the individual student. Talent Development Department

Practices & Strategies Divergent Questioning & Rigor Socratic Seminars Text Complexity Research Skills & Investigations Arts infusion Multiple Intelligences Reflective assessment/Product assessment Performance-based assessment Divergent questions are higher Order thinking Questions require students to grapple with the text: What impact does the setting have on the plot? Evaluate…drawing conclusions..., making Predictions… AND students are required to justify their ideas with contextual support. This strengthens critical reading skills needed in today’s society. Participants in a Socratic Seminar are seated in a circle or fishbowl (students in an inner and outer circle). Discussion is usually centered around an author’s theme. Students determine the driving element in the plot of a story, such as conflict, characters, setting…using contextual evidence for support. This can become a very thought provoking teaching strategy – heated debate with judgments made about theme can inspire new ideas and change thoughts about why an author included or left out elements of text allowing inferences to be made. Research skills & Investigations: Builds in the 6th grade and continues throughout the grade levels. Technology and reference books are used to formulate and support an idea. Arts infusion: This is when a non-linguistic representation is created. Symbols, illustrations, music, formulated to convey a student’s interpretation of an idea Multiple Intelligence: developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. Suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are: Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"): Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart") Talent Development Department

How is middle school TD different from elementary school TD? Carmel uses cluster groups to serve our TD students in the classrooms. We do not use a “pull out” model; instead students are served in their classrooms through differentiated instruction. Students are provided learning experiences and assessments that are conceptually advanced, challenging and complex. Lessons involve critical thinking, creative problems solving and inquiry based assessment. Teachers will use pre and post assessments to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses as well as ensure that students have mastered concepts taught. Our Goal: to provide appropriately challenging, stimulating experiences throughout the school day. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department How will Carmel Middle School communicate with the parents of our TD students? Each quarter we publish a newsletter to parents of TD students. The newsletter can be found on Carmel’s web page under Academic Enrichment. At the end of the year a Performance Review will be sent home with every TD student along with their CMS report card. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Carmel Middle School Webpage http://schools.cms.k12.nc.us/carmelMS/Pages Academic Enrichment Talent Development Department

Special Programs at Carmel National Academic League (NAL) Drama Club Jazz Band Battle of the Books Science Olympiad Math Counts National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) - 8th grade Shakespeare Recitation Contest Student Council Geography Bee Spelling Bee Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Writing & Poetry Contests Odyssey of the Mind (OM) Chess Club Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) Talent Development Department

What do gifted services look like? Math Language Arts Science Social Studies So what do these services look like in math, la, science, and ss Talent Development Department

Middle School Math Overall Goal To prepare students for higher level math courses at the high school level such as Advanced Placement (AP classes) and International Baccalaureate (IB Program). Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Math Math I (Algebra) is offered in 7th and 8th grade this year Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Math Math II (Geometry) will be offered in 8th grade next year Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Language Arts Concept Driven Connections Critical Stance Interpretation Inquiry Based Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Language Arts SpringBoard College Board’s official Pre-AP program “Back-Mapping” instructional design Thematically designed units Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department SpringBoard Themes 6th Grade – Change 7th Grade – Choice 8th Grade - Challenge Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Overall Goal To build higher level literacy strategies that will build success in all subject areas. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department You might see… Cooperative Learning Investigations Inquiry & Questioning Socratic Seminars Visual representations of ideas Interdisciplinary work Performance Based Tasks Mini-Projects Authentic Tasks Application of knowledge in new settings Literature Circles Thinking Maps Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department DUKE T. I. P. Mr. Canupp– 7th grade Counselor Criteria to participate: Scored at or above the 95th percentile on an accepted subtest (Based on 5th grade scores) DUKE TIP – talent identification program. Some applications have been distributed, Ms. Woody has a few more to hand out. Students that have scored at or above the 95th percentile in 5th and 6th grade testing will have the opportunity to take the ACT or SAT in 7th grade Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Tonight: Teachers will be giving specifics about their curriculum and their instructional practices Please remember that tonight is NOT a time for parent conferences. If you have concerns about your child, please e-mail the teacher and/or the Academic Facilitator. If the question is on differentiation within the class, please see the teacher first. Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department T.D. Contact Information Peggy Fadero Carmel Middle School Academic Facilitator Phone: 980.343.6705 ext. 239 Email: peggy.fadero@cms.k12.nc.us Talent Development Department

Talent Development Department Carmel Middle School Marc Angerer Principal Melanie Francis Assistant Principal Leanne Conyers Patrick Dean Dean of Students Talent Development Department