Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence in Kids David Marlow
Do violent video games cause kids to become violent or is it just because they see lots of violence? Banning violent video games is not going to help anyone because violent video games do not cause violent behaviors in kids.
Video games that are violent will not desensitize someone so much that they will walk right past a person who is on the sidewalk bleeding to death. There was no significant difference in the reaction of kids who played violent video games such as Mortal Combat and those who played games such as NBA Jam.
Violent video games show kids what violence does to people such as poverty, and homelessness. The violence in video games allows kids to express violence in the games instead of in real life.
Not all video games are as violent as each other. It is up to parents to know what there kids are playing.
Since violent video games do not cause violence in kids, and violent video games can cause violence in kids only who have been around violence a lot, and lastly violent video games can cause people to be less violent. In conclusion violent video games should not be banned. So next time you see some one acting with violence don’t blame video games