Malaria claims 655,000 lives every year. Every 60 seconds, a child dies of malaria. 85% of those lost are children. that means...
Our Faith in Action…
A History of Healing
A Comprehensive Approach Prevention Treatment Education Communication
World Class Results 1.2 million LLIN’s distributed 5,000 local Community Health workers trained 15 in-country health boards established and trained to oversee comprehensive programs
Ministry Overview Video
Calls to Action Advocate Raise Funds Engage Community
What can WE do? A call to help support our conference efforts
The Five-Step Plan! Local Churches can engage with INM by: 1.Determine to Save Lives 2.Build Awareness 3.Unite Faith and Works 4.Send in Gifts and Make an Impact 5.Continue the Movement
Available Resources Videos (electronic files or DVD) Wristbands Poster Brochures Offering Envelopes Logo Files Kids’ Games & Puzzles
Set a GOAL! Some ideas: Save one (or more!) life for every member Save ten lives for every attendee Tithe from an ongoing capital campaign Match or surpass previous campaign Challenge members to give up one purchase per week/month
Share a STORY! Educate folks about malaria: Build a display Study global health in Sunday School Weekly bulletin inserts/sermons Involve your youth!
Plan an Event! Desired Outcome(s) Vision Implementation Plan
Make it Count! Record of Contributions Reporting Stewardship & Saying Thank-You
Keep it Growing! Annual focus Moving beyond one event Global Health Initiative
Calls to Action Advocate Raise Funds Engage Community
Wanna do more? Serve as a District Organizer or Ambassador and assist in… giving presentations planning events coordinating resources contacting local churches & volunteers reaching out to potential special donors reporting district INM activity
Every 60 Seconds…
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito. African Proverb Thank You.
Contact Information (515)