HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Table of Contents NYC Scope and Sequence Standards ... Slide 3 – 5 Holistic Graph ……………………………………….. Slide 6 Lesson 1 …………………………………………. Slide 7 - 10 Lesson 4 ……………………………………….. Slide 11 - 14 Lesson 6 ……………………………………….. Slide 15 - 19 Additional Information ………………………………… 20 Scavenger Hunt Website & Filamentality Website
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND NYC Scope and Sequence Standards - Grade 4 Unit 4 Content Standards
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND NYC Scope and Sequence Standards - Grade 4 Unit 4 Content Standards INQUIRY SKILLS PROCESS SKILL Classifying – arranging or distributing objects, events, or information representing objects or events in classes according to some method or system vi. Select appropriate standard and nonstandard measurement tools for measurement activities. Communicating – giving oral and written explanations or graphic representations of observations vii. Estimate, find, and communicate measurements, using standard and nonstandard units. Comparing and contrasting – identifying similarities and differences between or among objects, events, data, systems, etc. viii. Use and record appropriate units for measured or calculated values. ix. Order and sequence objects and/or events. Creating models – displaying information, using multisensory representations x. Classify objects according to an established scheme. Interpreting data – analyzing data that have been obtained and organized by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data xiii. Observe, analyze, and report observations of objects and events.
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND NYC Scope and Sequence Standards - Grade 4 Unit 4 Content Standards INQUIRY SKILLS PROCESS SKILLS Gathering and organizing data - collecting information about objects and events which illustrate a specific situation xvii. Observe, collect, organize and appropriately graph data, then accurately interpret results. Generalizing: drawing general conclusions from particulars xviii. Collect and organize data, choosing the appropriate representation: journal entries, graphs, or drawings. Making Decisions - identifying alternatives and choosing a course of action from among the alternatives after basing the judgment for the selection on justifiable reasons. xx. Compare and contrast organisms/objects/events in the living and physical environments. Interpreting Data - analyzing data that have been obtained and organized by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data. xxiii. Communicate procedures and conclusions through oral and written assignments.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: Children’s Literature: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 1: “How do Wind and Water Affect the Land Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic, Logical/Mathematical, Naturalistic Children’s Literature: "The Drop in My Drink: The story of water on our planet” by Meridith Hooper with illustrations by Chris Coady Additives: Manipulative skill: measuring speed, construct an anemometer, On Line Sailing simulation game, create story foldable, graphs and formulas, children's literature
BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 1: “How do Wind and Water Affect the Land BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES To create a story foldable based on the book "The Drop in my Drink" which describes the process of erosion. To construct a anemometer to measure wind speed. To collect and analyze wind speed data and create mathematical representations (graphs and charts) using technology (Microsoft Excel) .
MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 1: “How do Wind and Water Affect the Land MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: Stand up in the front of the class with your arms shoulder stretched out and ask students to do the same. Explain to students that this span from the tip of your fingers on your right hand to the tip of the fingers on your left hand is the age of the earth. Have everyone wiggle the fingers on their right hand and say, "This is when the earth was created." Ask them if they know how long ago that was. Now, ask students if they know how long humans have inhabited earth. Point to your left wrist and say, Humans have been on the planet starting here …" Have everyone roll their left wrist. Say, "That is not a lot of time, is it?" Ask the students, "So how do we know the history of the earth before humans came?" Work with students to construct wind anemometers.
Assessments: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 1: “How do Wind and Water Affect the Land Assessments:
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: Children’s Literature: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 4: “What is the Value of Water?” Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding, Applying, Analyzing Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Musical Children’s Literature: “Smart” a Poem by Shel Silverstein Additives: Manipulative skill: Water Taste Test, Stock Market Rap Song (web 2.0 tool), Microsoft charts and graphs, children's literature, money (coins)
BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 4: “What is the Value of Water?” BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES To chart specific stock closing prices for two stocks over a five-day period using excel spreadsheet tools. To compare and contrast two stocks from 2 different companies which own popular brands of water using spreadsheets, tables and graphic representations. To evaluate the stocks’ performance based on statistical information gathered through Internet resources as well as through data compiled during student taste test.
MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 4: “What is the Value of Water?” MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: This lesson incorporates a taste test, a music video, graphic organizers, a poem and use of financial data analysis tools ( and software (Excel) to help students explore the central question, what is "the Value of Water." By using multiple modalities to explore the central question, students are encouraged to acquire, think about and represent new found knowledge both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Assessments: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 4: “What is the Value of Water?” Assessments:
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluating Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: Naturalistic, Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal Children’s Literature: Usborne Understanding Geography- Storms and Hurricanes” by Kathy Gemmell Additives: Earthquakes for Kids: USGS and National Geographic Kids BRAINTEASERS Tornados
BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Discuss the causes of natural events 2. Evaluate the personal, environmental and financial impacts of extreme natural events on living things :
MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” MOTIVATION/CONSTRUCTIVIST ACTIVITY: Teacher stands in front of the class next to the garbage can. Teacher fills a plastic cup with water until the water begins to overflow out of the cup and into the garbage can below it. The teacher then explains to the class that what they just saw- the plastic cup overflowing with water- is a scaled down example of what happens during some natural events such as flooding during hurricanes. Teacher then polls the class to see who had flooding during Hurricane Sandy. Teacher explains that extreme natural events can occur at any time, and although they may be scary, if we know more about them we can handle them when they happen.
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” Scavenger Hunt
Assessments: HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Lesson 5: “Natural Disasters” Assessments: Assessment Rubric Behavioral Objective Target 3 Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory 1 Student Rating (Based on Example of Student Based Performance Product) Discuss the causes of natural events Model/ Display of Extreme Natural Events- Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes and Volcanoes Model/display clearly reflects the causes of extreme natural events- hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes with labels and no errors Model/display reflects the causes of extreme natural events- hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes with some labels and some errors Model/display does not reflect the causes of extreme natural events- hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes with no labels and many errors or no input Evaluate the personal, environmental and financial impacts of extreme natural events on living things “Extreme Natural Event Debate” Students clearly identified personal, environmental, and financial impacts of extreme natural events on living things Students supported their debate stance with many facts and evidence from their models/displays Students identified some personal, environmental, and financial impacts of extreme natural events on living things Students supported their debate stance with some evidence and facts from their models/displays Students did not identify personal, environmental, and financial impacts of extreme natural events on living things Students did not support their debate stance with any evidence or facts from their models/displays
HOW DO NATURAL EVENTS AFFECT OUR WORLD? Additional Information INTERACTIONS OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND Additional Information Scavenger Hunt Web Page. (n.d) Retrieved from: Filamentality Web Page. (n.d.). Retrieved from: