Travel Behaviour Change for SMEs and Major Employers South Wessex Waste Minimisation Group 20 th March 2013
Strategic Overview “3 Towns Corridor” – Local Sustainable Transport Fund (3 Towns Travel brand) £12.1m DfT funding “BE SMArT” – Local Sustainable Transport Fund (Getting About brand) £4.6m DfT funding “The Next Stop” – Better Bus Area Fund £3.4m DfT funding
Strategic Overview All projects support the key goals of supporting the economy and reducing carbon emissions Reduce single occupancy commuter car trips and total vehicle kilometres Making travel easier on the A35 corridor
Strategic Overview – 3TT
“3 Towns Corridor” Focussed on main east – west route across the conurbation Overarching aim is to support thriving and attractive local centres, reduce congestion & carbon emissions and provide improved accessibility for local communities and visitors
“3 Towns Corridor” Key benefit areas: Bus improvement measures – bus priority, bus quality agreement Improved waiting facilities – upgraded stops / shelters, “Super Stops”, Real Time Information Walking / cycling – cycle routes / parking, cycle hire, crossing points, signage Corridor management – signals improvements, real time traffic information, TRO reviews, enforcement Improved access to stations – secure cycle compounds, improved signage Travel Planning – Businesses / schools Public realm improvements – enhancements to street scene
Strategic Overview - Getting About
“BE SMArT” Behaviour change package – mix of small scale infrastructure improvements and supporting initiatives to encourage and promote sustainable travel More commuters walking, cycling and taking the bus: cycle highway, new bus route and sustainable transport marketing / promotion
“BE SMArT” Develop Bournemouth as a cycling hub for tourists: invest in leisure routes, Sky Rides and our new Cycling Centre (an Olympic size outdoor velodrome) More active travel to schools and university: tackle childhood obesity and reduce school run traffic by building on our successful Links to Schools and Bike It projects Fewer casualties among vulnerable road users: road safety schemes and safety campaigns (particularly aimed at cycle safety)
Workplace Travel Planning Both 2 LSTF projects running until March 2015 with workplace travel planning elements Working closely with local businesses across the range of SMEs through to larger scale employers to encourage sustainable travel amongst employees Option to support on freight, deliveries and servicing to optimise engagement
Workplace Travel Planning Key streams for workplace travel planning: 1.Business support/ engagement 2.Employee support / engagement 3.Freight, deliveries and servicing impact The USPsThe USPs linked to other business efficiency and other environmental initiatives e.g. IYRE, Business coaching etclinked to other business efficiency and other environmental initiatives e.g. IYRE, Business coaching etc Support available for all scales of businessSupport available for all scales of business Already have referrals from IYRE programme as a result of the transport auditAlready have referrals from IYRE programme as a result of the transport audit
1) Business support measures Business site visits / audits / surveys to identify sustainable travel issues Assistance in analysing staff travel patterns General support and advice in identifying and setting up sustainable travel initiatives Travel Plan toolkits – resources and guidance Tailored towards particular needs of individual businesses Travel planning support /advice: Opportunities to subsidise small capital improvements – e.g cycle parking, lockers, showers, pool bikes, RTI displays etc etc Log of requested local improvement schemes maintained and highlighted for consideration for future capital programme funding Supporting infrastructure:
1) Business support measures Getting About brand development with supporting marketing / promotion Support in promoting / organising sustainable travel events (annual calendar) Template promotional posters and leaflets for use in the workplace Customised workplace travel maps Upgraded “Getting About” and “TravelDorset” websites - “One Stop Shop” for travel information, including web based travel planning resources Promotion and information: Monitoring: Annual snapshot survey of staff travel – iTrace compliant for consistency Other: Corporate car club membership (trial), pool Smartcards etc
2) Employee engagement measures Workplace challenges – “Challenge for Change” (cycle challenge) / “Love to Ride” (cycling community) Sustainable Travel Reward Scheme (earning “points” for sustainable travel which can be exchanged for goods/ vouchers Sustainable Travel Roadshows at the workplace – interactive activities, Dr Bike sessions, travel information Personalised journey planning advice / information at the workplace Major employers and SME travel forums Range of incentives / discounts to encourage the use of sustainable travel modes, e.g bus taster tickets, trial car club membership, cycle training, discounts at local cycle shops, cycle hire trial Guided bike rides, bike buddying, Bicycle User Groups
We value your help…. A commitment to reducing car use through a workplace travel plan if this fits your organisation ‘Cross-selling’ both the 3 Travel Towns and the Getting About travel advice programme to your business contacts Being critical friends on some of our initiatives Giving access to key networks to promote the service
…and contact details Jon Harris Tel Tim Huxley Tel