Multiculturalism Welcome…hearing Syllabus Review Office Hour Tuesday 3-3:30 Tutoring Session Thursday 3-3:30 StuartEimerWeb Assignment Introductory Bingo Beginning to think about core questions
To start…intros…Stuart Eimer Raised in Sayreville, NJ Working class family First in my family to go to college…Most friends didn’t go to college Rutgers University on a scholarship from my Dad’s union Sociology and Journalism Major Graduate University of Wisconsin Sociology, focus on unions and politics Arrived at Widener in 2000 Teach courses on Poverty, Unions, Social Class… Service Learning Research and writing focuses on unions
Who are you… Name, where you’re from, major & career goal if you know it… BINGO
Little Boxes… In what ways does the community in the video clip resemble the community you come from? In what ways does your community differ from the community in the video clip?