Back to School Night September 22, 2011 Teachers: Mrs. Aurinda Ms. Cindy
ROOM 208S DAILY SCHEDULE MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:30-9:00Morning Routine / Morning Work/Morning Meeting 9:00-9:10 Word Study 9:10-10:10 Math 10:10-11:00 Writers Workshop 11:00-12:30 Readers Workshop 12:30-12:50 12:50-1:10 Lunch Recess 1:10-1:55SpanishMusicArtGymLibrary 1:55-2:45 Science / Social Studies 2:45-2:50Pack-Up 2:50-3:00 Read-Aloud (until dismissal begins)
C.A.R.E.S. School-wide initiative to build a safe community where everyone can learn Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control Adhered by Parents, Teachers, and Students
StudentsStaffFamilies Cooperation participates in developing classroom rules listen and follow directions report dangerous behavior always be a team player provide a clean, orderly, and safe environment in classrooms support school procedures always be a team player know and support school procedures prevent, address, and report dangerous behavior always be a team player Assertion show others how to make smart choices ask for help share what I think speak up for others collaborate actively with other staff communicate student progress and behavior regularly to children and families let families know how they can support their child and the classroom communicate your expectations to your child communicate regularly with your childs teacher share your hobbies, talents, skills with the school direct questions to appropriate personnel Responsibility believe I can learn and will learn arrive at school at 8:30 am do the right thing even when no one is watching complete and return homework if I break something or hurt someones feelings, I fix it read 30 minutes per day work to meet all students academic, social, and emotional needs continue professional development develop a partnership with families have high expectations for every child be sensitive to cultures and family issues support school routines: -on time for school 8:30 am -call when child is absent -go over homework daily -check childs book bag and read any communications -attend family conferences -support your child reading 30 minutes per day Empathy treat others as I would want to be treated listen to others ideas and viewpoints treat others as I would want to be treated have and model sensitivity to diversity know the strengths and needs of each student treat others as I would want to be treated listen carefully to others ideas and viewpoints Self Control speak respectfully to staff, peers, and family members use words to resolve conflicts treat materials with care model appropriate language, tone, and attitude with all members of the school community seek appropriate avenues to resolve problems model appropriate language, tone, and attitude with all members of the school community seek appropriate avenues to resolve problems Date________Students Name ___________________ Teachers Signature _______________________ Parents Signature ______________________ SIX TO SIX INTERDISTRICT MAGNET SCHOOL: A Community that CARES
Schoolwide Expectations We will respect each others bodies and space. We will use our words with care and kindness. We will care for the schools and others property. We will take responsibility for our learning.
Classroom Rules & Expectations Respect others and their belongings. Be responsible for YOUrself. Be safe at all times. Be a team player. Remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
4 th Grade Curriculum Mathematics: Investigationsdevelops mathematical reasoning and communication skills; supplement with Scotts Foresman Units: Place Value, Multiplication/Division, Fractions, Geometry, Word Problems, Basic Facts, Probability, Estimation, Measurement Literacy: Readers/Writers Workshop Read Aloud/Written responses Word Study Spelling DRA Testing (Regression of scores) Reading Logs/Importance of reading (Practice, Stamina, Apply Strategies, Meaning) Writing Prompts Publishing celebrations
4 th Grade Curriculum cont. Social Studies: maps, research and using a variety of resources, states, Connecticut, government, immigration (Statue of Liberty) Science: ecosystems, electricity and magnetism, force and motion, and land and water
DRA Testing Possible regression in scores –Reasons: -Natural regression based on research due to time off from school -Lack of summer reading Its important that children: -spend 30 minutes a day reading a just right book -read during the summer
Homework Monday through Thursday Written in agenda pages Read for 30 minutes per night, fill out log, and have parent sign or initial log every night Sometimes math, spelling, or other written homework; sometimes projects to be done at home Although not assigned as homework, its always okay to read over the weekend!
Purpose of Homework Strengthen basic skills and reinforce concepts taught in class Develop initiative, responsibility,, time management, and organizational skills Promote communication between student & parent
Homework Tips Decide the best time of day to do homework Find a quiet place to have child complete homework, away from distractions and interruptions Keep supplies close at hand Have several classmates phone numbers for clarification or misplaced homework Have a sure spot or place all necessary school items in backpack before bedtime Clean out backpacks everyday
Wellness Policy Adopted Connecticuts Healthy Snack Standards for Foods and Beverages at School Candy, gum, and soda are not allowed to be brought to school Snack: one food item/one drink Teachers/families provide snack that are nutritionally sound such as vegetables, cheese, dried fruit, pretzels, granola bars, crackers, rice cakes, and fruit Healthy celebrations
Afterschool Activities Mighty Math Kids Club (starting in Mid-October/ meeting day and time to be determined) Science Fair Club (starting in January or February)
Thank You!