The land area of Sri Lanka has been computed To be SqKm or Ha. Overall Land use in Sri Lanka is as follows:
NO. Description Extent (HA) 1Excluded for Streams and reservations 290,000 2Reservoirs 113,300 3Steep land, Land above 1525m contour and barren land 533,900 4Wild life reserves 906,921 5Forest reserves, Marsh and Mangroves under forest department 1,421,954 6Forest plantations (man made forests) 93,000 7Roads, Railways, harbors, Airports and other uses 165,000 8Homesteads 925,000 9Paddy 703,264 10Coconut 443,952 11Tea 210,622 12Rubber 114,678 13Sugar Cane 10,600 14Other export crops and subsidiary crops 78,020 15Sparsely used and balance land 755,553 * Data source:
No Scientific count of Paddy lands & Agriculture land extents No proper link with the land & Farmer No proper link with subsidies, Location of the land & Extents No Scientific identification of water resources allocations & farming lands Change Management of the land
Satellite Images Lidar Surveys GPS Laser Technology Old Maps Electronic Surveys
Data Extraction Data Interpretation Preparation of Database Data Publishing Data Retrieval (Ex.Maps, Satellite Images, Reports) Data Updation Data maintenance
Data transfer from one party to another Geoinformatics International (Pvt.) Ltd, established for the commercial application of combined technologies of GPS (Global Positioning Satellites) receivers, GPRS (Global Positioning Roaming Systems), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), GIS (Geographical Information Systems), RS (Remotely Sensed Earth Observation) & ICT (Information & Communication Technology).
Digital Globe Inc, USA Indian Remote Sensing Data(National Remote sensing agency) ERDAS INC, USA Laser Technology Inc, USA Astech Professional GPS of France SPCEYES 3D, Map preparation software of France Pitney Bowes Location Intelligent systems.USA (MapInfo & MapXtream Bentley Inc,USA.
NEED ASSESMENT AND DECISION MAKING (TYPE OF DATA, PERIOD, ETC) Soil sample PH data Elevations Coordinate Species Clones Etc. Past records Cost data History Future expectations Etc. REMOTE SENSING DATA Geo-referencing, Enhancement Mosaicing Navigating Filtering Band data merging etc For DESSEMINATION DATABASE Classifications And Analysis For Information USES N Attribute DataGround Data Work Flow of the Center
Change Map Facilities Change Facilities Monitoring
Change Monitoring
Natanz Special Weapons Facility Iran 10 Feb 2004 Change Monitoring
Natanz Special Weapons Facility Iran 21 July 2004 Change Monitoring