教學評量美澳經驗分享 By 釋永東
I. 美國高教經驗 課程三級三審通過 Pre-test & post-test Faculty Annual Report II. 澳洲高教經驗
I. 美國高教經驗 ─ 西來大學 Course Outline 設計 ( 近五年書目 ) → 系院校三級通過 簽字 →syllabus 11.Assignments that Develop Critical Thinking: (Outline in detail the assignments students will be given during the course) [a] Reading: [b] Writing: [c] Homework: [d] Classwork:
COURSE OUTLINE FORM Written By (Name of the Faculty/s) Approved by Curriculum Committee Date
Lesson Topic/Activity Weeks one and two (Pre-test) Week fourteen (Post-test) Introduction to the course Pre-test/The Study of ethics A discussion of the differences that arise among Buddhist having different national origins/Post-test
Faculty Annual Report (cont…) 1. For the Calendar Year, List Courses Taught (Number of Students ) 2. For the Calendar Year, describe all Faculty Development Activities 3. For the Calendar Year, List all Publications 4. List Ongoing or Planned Research
5. For the Calendar Year, List all Participation in University Governance (e.g. Committee Membership, Attendance at Meetings, Student Services Activities) 6. For the Academic Year, List all Participations in Community Services 7. Please write your observations regarding your Students’ Evaluations of your Courses
SECTION 2 (TO BE COMPLETED BY ADMINISTRATION) I. Observations of Chair/Assistant Chair of the Department II. Observations of the Dean of Academic Affairs III. Observations of the President IV. Faculty Member’s Response to Above
II. 澳洲高教經驗 ─ 南天大學 每門課程需教育部審查通過 3 門課
ABSPG203 Buddhist Ethics: Ethical Challenges of the Modern World Subject learning outcomes 1. Critically discuss what ethics is and how it is taught in the Buddhist traditions 2. Learn to apply the ethics of Buddhism in the contexts of suicide, abortion, terrorism, cloning and other major issues of the day and compare and contrast the Buddhist insights to other views of social ethics.
3. Analyze differences in the application of Buddhist ethics in those countries where Buddhism is predominant: Japan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Tibet 4. Explore the application of Buddhist ethics in Western countries 5.Critically investigate and analyze current events related to ethics
6.Demonstrate skills in self-examination and reflection on one’s moral conduct 7. Articulate ethical arguments
Assessment summary Item Task Due date Value(%) Learning outcomes 1 Attendance and week2 20% 1,2,3,4 class participation 2 Class presentation week 7 30% 1,2,3,4,5, (15 minutes) 6,7 3 Research paper (3,000 words) week 15 50% 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7
Note: To pass this subject you must: Complete and submit all the assessment tasks at a satisfactory standard. Achieve at least 50% when all the assessment marks are totaled.
Assessment Assessment 1: Attendance and class participation (20%) Overview and purpose of the assessment task This assessment is based on the class activities and designed to encourage discussion of the presentation and explore different points of view Details
Assessment 2: individual class presentation (15 minutes)(30%) Overview and purpose of the assessment task Students will deliver a 15-minutes presentation to the class on a topic of their own choice in the area of Buddhist ethics. Details Students will deliver a 15-minute presentation to the class on a topic of their own choice in the areas of Buddhist ethics. The topic chosen can be identical to the research paper. (cont…)
The presentation is aimed at developing student attributes of reflexive awareness, self-reflection, critical analysis, succinctness and clarity of communication, self- confidence, and integration of learning. This assessment will be marked according to criteria of 1.Quality of content: well researched and systemically developed
2.theorists and/or theories and/or methodologies outlines (where relevant) 3.creativity, clarity and coherence of presentation 4.demonstrated good knowledge and understanding 5.Style of delivery: kept audience attention, good articulation and voice projection, succinct academic language.
Assessment 3: Research paper (3,000 words)(50%) Overview and purpose of the assessment task ……………….. Details The essay will be marked according to the following criteria: (cont…)
1.Argument and structure, e.g. topic definition, methodology, argument, evidence, conclusion 2.Scope of research and depth of treatment, e.g. bibliography, primary sources, use of sources, originality, philosophic or empirical content 3.Critical analysis, e.g. exploration and critique of the ideas 4. presentation, e.g. language and writing style, spelling, grammar, paragraphing, reference system, quotations, length