Literacy21 Watertown Public Schools Administrative Council Teaching & Learning Goals January 2011
Preparing Students for College, Career and Citizenship in the 21st Century
Changing Education Paradigms View “Changing Education Paradigms”
Fusing 3Rs and 4 Cs View “Fusing the 3Rs and 4Cs”
How to Build a 21 st C Learner Fluency using online information. Fluency using online information. Effective collaboration in a virtual immersive environment. Effective collaboration in a virtual immersive environment. Digital tools to learn and create. Digital tools to learn and create. Passion to be creative and innovative. Passion to be creative and innovative.
How to Build a 21 st C Learning Environment WHAT WE HAVE DONE SO FAR… Develop a District Vision and Strategic Goals Develop a District Vision and Strategic Goals Renovate Teaching & Learning Goals to align with new vision Renovate Teaching & Learning Goals to align with new vision Administrative Council brainstorm the first draft Administrative Council brainstorm the first draft Mile Guide Self-Assessment Mile Guide Self-Assessment Identifying current practices of 21 st Century Learning Identifying current practices of 21 st Century Learning T&L Goal subcommittee fine-tuning work T&L Goal subcommittee fine-tuning work Craft goals from Admin Council brainstorming Craft goals from Admin Council brainstorming Plan and model activities for Principals and Coordinators to use with faculty Plan and model activities for Principals and Coordinators to use with faculty
Literacy21 Teaching & Learning Goals By 2013 our instruction and our learning environments will improve achievement and deepen understanding for all students through these teaching and learning goals and exemplary practices: January 2011
Mile Guide Self-Assessment
Timeline of 21 st Century Practices
Current 21 st C Practices Teaching & Learning Showcases T-I-P (Technology-In-Practice) T-I-P (Technology-In-Practice) Task Forces and Leadership Councils Task Forces and Leadership Councils Classroom Sites Classroom Sites Robotics, Engineering by Design Robotics, Engineering by Design Virtual High School Virtual High School ArMedia ArMedia Online Student Newspapers Online Student Newspapers Medical Sciences Course Medical Sciences Course Virtual Science Assessments Virtual Science Assessments Teaching Profiles Teaching Profiles
T&L Goal 1: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Redesign Ensure that critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity are evident in all curricular, instructional, and assessment practices. Ensure that critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity are evident in all curricular, instructional, and assessment practices. Classroom Sites Classroom Sites Measures of Academic Progress Measures of Academic Progress Online Student News Online Student News iREAD ELL iREAD ELL Virtual Science Assessments Virtual Science Assessments Robotics, Engineering by Design Robotics, Engineering by Design Virtual High School Virtual High School ArMedia, Studio Documentaries ArMedia, Studio Documentaries Medical Sciences, Journalism Media 2.0 Medical Sciences, Journalism Media 2.0 (1x1 Access) (1x1 Access) January 2011
T&L Goal 2: District, Community & Global Connections Further develop district, school, and classroom collaborations with community and global resources. Further develop district, school, and classroom collaborations with community and global resources. District and Classroom Sites District and Classroom Sites Digital Learning Platform Digital Learning Platform Virtual High School Virtual High School Virtual Science Assessments Virtual Science Assessments Grants - PEP, TAH, GRAA, China Pathways Grants - PEP, TAH, GRAA, China Pathways (1x1 Access) (1x1 Access) January 2011
T&L Goal 3: Professional Learning Provide effective, focused, and job- embedded professional development that supports district teaching and learning goals for all teachers, administrators and staff. Provide effective, focused, and job- embedded professional development that supports district teaching and learning goals for all teachers, administrators and staff. Task Forces and Leadership Councils Task Forces and Leadership Councils Technology-In-Practice (T-I-P) Technology-In-Practice (T-I-P) Teaching Profiles Teaching Profiles (1x1 Access) (1x1 Access) January 2011
Strategic Alignment
How to Build a 21 st C Learning Environment NEXT STEPS NEXT STEPS Develop a District Vision and Strategic Goals Develop a District Vision and Strategic Goals Renovate Teaching & Learning Goals to align with new vision Renovate Teaching & Learning Goals to align with new vision Administrative Council brainstorm the first draft Administrative Council brainstorm the first draft Mile Guide Self-Assessment Mile Guide Self-Assessment Identifying current practices of 21 st Century Learning Identifying current practices of 21 st Century Learning Faculty and School Committee feedback on first draft Faculty and School Committee feedback on first draft SIP and DIP development using renovated T&L goals SIP and DIP development using renovated T&L goals